A4P Guest: “I am 22 years old and I am active in my church. I’ve never dated or been in love with a man before but now I think I am in love with a guy I’m ministering with. We are in the same ministry and I don’t think he is noticing me in that way. Last time, he took everybody’s number to give us all a call to remind us about our prayer meeting. He called me once and he never called me after that. I constantly think about him and I don’t know what I need to do. I don’t think he has the same feeling for me as I do for him. What should I do?” Continue reading When a girl first falls in love with a man
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
“Mom, I don’t want to talk right now.”
As I told you last time, I was in one of the New Jersey Hotels over the weekend.
Well, I had a choice to go to the New Jersey 6th flags which has the tallest roller coaster in the world but why do I want to experience death? No reason! So, I chose to stay in the hotel.
My daughter after the ride, she expressed her experience this way, laughingly, “Mom, I saw heaven.” Continue reading “Mom, I don’t want to talk right now.”
Question of Identity
A4P Guest: “What do you think of homosexuality?”
A4P: Direct answer for your question is – I don’t think anything about homosexuality. I’m not sure what you’re trying to ask me and I don’t want to assume anything. If you have a specific question, state it clearly; for example: “Can I be a homosexual and be a born again Christian?” Or “I have strong same sex attraction and what do I need to do about it?” or something like that. Continue reading Question of Identity
A Search for Love and Intimacy
If you ask me the two things a human soul is hungry and thirsty of, I will say: love and intimacy.
And those two basic and important needs of every human soul, love and intimacy can only be found from God and others.
When we drift away from God and others, we will be left to ourselves to look for love and intimacy. And that is an illusion the devil always wants us to believe, that we can find love and intimacy without God and others. Continue reading A Search for Love and Intimacy
Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.
Yesterday, I spent some time with my good Ethiopian brothers in Christ, discussing about the effect of eating raw meat. After the discussion, they recommended that I mention the topic here on A4P’s Facebook page. So, here we go.
Well, do you know eating raw meat can be a risk factor for erectile dysfunction (ED)? Yes, it is. Continue reading Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.
Today is the Day!
After we had our first son, I was a little confused and depressed. Before the baby, the only two people I was living for were the man I loved to death (I still do love him to death), my Berhan, and myself. My Berhan has never needed my help for him to live. So, my life was a breeze! Continue reading Today is the Day!
Shocking Reality of the Condition of my Heart
While I was waiting in line for the cashier to pay for my items, I saw a beautiful chap-stick hanging on the side of the isle. I looked closer to see the flavor and I immediately realized that it was an orange flavor. I mean, I love orange and anything orange color steals my heart instantly.
So, I picked it up but didn’t want to put it in my shopping cart thinking that it would fall between the holes of the shopping cart. So, I held it on my hand until my turn. Continue reading Shocking Reality of the Condition of my Heart
Do not Deprive Each Other
A4P Guest: “I live abroad, almost 19 hours flight far from my wife and two kids. It’s been now eleven months since I saw them. I decided to to come here where I’m now to do my masters in Psychology. I got full scholarship from a prestigious university and the company I work at is covering all my living expenses. So, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity. My wife first was excited but after she heard that it is going to take me two years to finish the course, she was not happy at all. Continue reading Do not Deprive Each Other
Salvation Comes before Sexual Purity
“I ran into your page after I saw one of your speaking engagement flyers shared on one of my friends’ Facebook account. After reading one or two of your articles, I got interested to read more. I always ask why I’m reading your posts because I don’t even call myself a believer in God. I mean I believe there is God but I don’t have a religion or anything. I believe my sexuality is my own business. Continue reading Salvation Comes before Sexual Purity
“- – – but I am a woman”
She took a short walk around the campus as if the walk would sooth her pain. But it didn’t. She wanted to share her pain with someone but who would be that someone? Nobody!
Then she said, “Let me write it down,” remembering what her psychology teacher said how writing helps release mental tension. Continue reading “- – – but I am a woman”