A4P Guest: I came to your page recently and I read some of your articles. I noticed you mostly use the Epistles to make your points. You tend to say, as Paul said, or Peter said. But aren’t Peter and Paul mere men like you and I? How can we take what they said as an absolute truth while we have the Word of Jesus Christ? I find it very hard to accept your points whenever you use the words of Peter or Paul to make your point.
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
“You look Sexy!”
Have you ever seen a comment dropped off on a picture that goes like this: “You look Sexy” or just “Sexy” or “Hot” and the reply for that comment is, “Thank you” with a smile emoticon?
Yeah, we all read that comment and/or we too maybe dropped off that comment thinking that the meaning of “You look Sexy” or “you look Hot” is “You are extremely beautiful!”
But does the word “Sexy” or “Hot” mean “Beautiful”?
Last call to sign up for the Competition!
Well, today is October 16, 2014 and it is the last day to sign up for “the Esther’s Kind of Modesty” competition.
These are the fifteen beautiful single girls who so far signed up for the competition:
“I don’t seem to get it!”
A4P Guest: I think I was the 20th or 30th person to like your page. I’m one of your earliest supporters. The first time I came to your page, I thought I found an answer to all my questions. It was my morning routine to wait for your posts to read and get enlightened by them. Many times, I was convicted of my sin and cried before God.
But before long, within I will say three or four month, I went back to where I was. I began to sleep around, do drug and many things. Then I “disliked” your page so that it wouldn’t come to my news feed on my Facebook account.
Continue reading “I don’t seem to get it!”
An Update on the Video
The video I posted few days ago is not working yet. We are doing everything we can to restore the URL. We sent a request to the YouTube folks to help us out but as you can imagine, it takes time.
So, in the meantime, here is that teaching video, uploaded on A4P YouTube account, which you can re-share this with your friends.
Thank you guys! ///
My Berhan’s answer to: What does “I release my wife to the Work of God” mean?
Hello A4P supporters and fans… this is Berhan (Missy’s Husband). I noticed how the YouTube post of a clip from a Sunday service at IEEC where I gave a "lengthy" (don’t laugh now) speech has gotten quite a reception from y’all. I wanted to take another opportunity, here on A4P’s status, and iterate how I whole heartedly support the mission and passion that GOD has placed on my lovely wife, Missy.
Missy’s mission to battle the enemy head-on, for a sexually pure heart and mind of GOD’s people, is so timely, crucial and pivotal to help us reach and experience the life that GOD desires and commands us to have.
Continue reading My Berhan’s answer to: What does “I release my wife to the Work of God” mean?
Eternity as a Circle or Horizontal Line
Some people say, “If eternity is like Atlantic Ocean, our life on earth is like a drop from that big Ocean.”
Well, how do you see a drop? As a circle, don’t you? And a circle is a closed shape. There is no continuity to it. It starts at one point, goes around 360 degrees and ends where it starts.
But for me personally, I don’t see my eternal and present life like a circle but as a horizontal line and I will tell you why.
Continue reading Eternity as a Circle or Horizontal Line
Not a curse for a Wife to Sexually desire her Husband
If I’m not mistaken, I wrote about this topic few months ago but it came to my attention in a different way and I want to say a word or two about it again.
So, after Adam and Eve sinned against God, God cursed them. Here is the last part of the curse God put on the woman.
To the woman God said, “- – – Your desire will be for your husband – – -.” Genesis 3:16
Hmm . . . what does that sound like? Is she cursed to sexually desire her husband?
Continue reading Not a curse for a Wife to Sexually desire her Husband
One Truth worth Noticing
Sexual immorality seems to be the number one sin to catch us all off-guard more times than the other sins. There can be many reasons for it but the one reason that comes to my mind is this: We are prone to sexual sin because we are sexual beings!
You see, we are not naturally created to kill; or to steal. We are not fashioned by God to go around and drink somebody else’s blood. No, we are not.
But we are created and fashioned by God to be sexual beings, so that we have all we need to have sex.
That by itself makes us all vulnerable to fall into sexual sin. But knowing that fact shouldn’t encourage us all to say, “Oh, well, here we go again; Let me jump in it because it is meant to be like this” because as we are created to be sexual beings, do you know that we are also originally created to be sexually pure beings?
Yes, we are created for sexual purity not for sexual immorality. That is why our whole life gets disrupted when we miss the mark of purity. When we turn to sexual impurity, our mind, soul, spirit can’t get anything right. They all get misaligned and we try everything to calm them down but nothing can clam them all down but sexual purity because we are created for sexual purity. Our nature is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH SEXUAL PURITY because we are created in God’s likeness and image which is always and only compatible with holiness and purity.
The image we may seem to lost it because of Adam is ours through Christ Jesus. His grace and spirit are with us to bring that likeness and image back to us.
"For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son" Romans 8:29a – Did you hear that?
Listen what Jesus is saying to you and me: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me." Revelation 3:20
Isn’t that beautiful! Jesus is inviting you and I to the ONENESS of holiness; so that we take His image and likeness!
He is calling you through this post!
Don’t wait until you get it all right because you will never get it right without Jesus.
Will you respond to Him? Will you open the door of your heart for Jesus to come in? Do you take Him in? Do you receive Him into your life and make Him the LORD and King of your sexual life which is the ligament that holds all your other life areas?
If your response is "Yes," inbox me and I will contact you so that we can pray together. ///
Question of the day!
Thank you again, my friend, for saying “Yes” for me to share your question with others!
A4P Guest: Saturday night, my husband and I were at the restaurant and we kissed in the middle of our candle light dinner. And one of my church members happened to be at the restaurant and I didn’t see her. So, yesterday at church, she called me to the bathroom and said to me, “We Christians are not supposed to do such kind of thing in public.” I was very mad at her because she accused me as if I kissed some other man who was not married to me. So, I said to her, “He is my husband and I can do whatever I want with him” and I left the bathroom. Afterward, I felt bad for saying that to her. Why did I feel bad? I mean he is my husband and the lady knows that. BTW, this particular lady is the one I respect very highly in our church but at that moment, I didn’t have any respect for her and I guess I had an attitude too when I responded back to her. What is your take on this? Am I wrong to kiss my husband in public?
A4P: Kissing your husband is a holy thing as long as you are conscious of your surroundings. We, Christians, are called to live for others’ conscience.
This is what the Bible says: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. – – – But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:1, 13b
You have freedom to do whatever you want but up to a certain extent or boundaries and one of those boundaries are called love (and we have to avoid those things which don’t edify and build us – 1 Corinthians 10:23).
As long as you do it in your private bedroom, you can kiss your husband in whatever ways you want to. But outside, in the open air, I advise you to stay away from those kinds of kisses which make others “cringe” not because you have no freedom to do so but because some people may not have freedom to see you doing that and accept and consider you as a child of God. Their conscience may not have that much freedom on that particular area.
And to tell you the truth, why do you want to expose your private joy to the whole world? Keep it private and you will have a lasting joy. Kiss your husband outside the house but not like “French kissing” kind of kiss. Keep that for your bedroom.
I also have a problem with the way you responded back to the woman. You see, you felt bad afterward because of the Holy Spirit who is inside you. He grieves in our spirit when we hurt others. That woman may know five thousand Bible verses but when it comes to romance, she might be from the old school who condemns any romantic love as a sin. Or, she might have the most unromantic husband ever; or she may not have a good marriage. But whatever her reason could be, don’t judge her because she is not free like you. Love her and approach her in love and respect. Invite her to read what you’ve been reading. If she is resistance, leave her alone. We can’t demand from others the same kind of understanding we have.
St. Paul didn’t eat meat throughout his Christian life. Do you know why? Because some of the people around him were not eating meat as a sign of their devotion to God and they couldn’t consider a person as a Christian if they saw him eating meat. Because of that he said “no more” for eating meat so that he wouldn’t be a stumbling block for others around him.
Listen what he said: “Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.” 1 Corinthians 8:13
That is the call of Christ for all of us! That is my take on the issue.
Take care,
In Him, Missy.
P. S. Remember, I’m not advising you to live in fear of others; losing every freedom you have in Christ but I’m advising to love and respect others. Fear of man is a snare which paralyses you to do anything as the Bible says: “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Proverbs 29:25