Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Freedom of Speech on Social Media

I heard the news on my way back from my kids’ basketball game yesterday night. I wanted to write this before I went to bed because I was totally “SPENT.” So, as usual, I prayed so that God would give me this day to write about it. Praise the LORD! God gave this day!

So, on the news yesterday, they said that freedom of speech had to be “reevaluated” once more “because some people are using social media to “target and assault” individuals.” The lady who was interviewed (from my memory, not word by word) said, “Facebook and other social media are targeting, for example, women.” Continue reading Freedom of Speech on Social Media

Part I – Post-Modernization Ideology

This is Part I of my teaching titled “Post-Modernization Era – God knows about it too!”

If you like what you hear, make sure you share the video with your friends and families; also make sure you subscribe to the Appeal for Purity YouTube page so that you will be the first one to hear about when I upload a video. ///


A Day to Say “Thank You” to My Dear Pastor

Pastor Hanfere Aligaze 02

My pastor for the last 20 years has been Pastor Hanfere Aligaz, the senior pastor of the International Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Washington, DC.

Oh, how I thank him! I hope you guys don’t mind if I address him here, as if he was the only one who is reading this post.

Pastor Hanfere, thank you for being my pastor for the last 20 years. Thank you for praying for me when I was single and confused! Thank you, Pastor, for opening your office door for me and my “boy-friend” when we were scared and confused, like 18 years ago. Thank you for counseling and leading us to the right place. Thank you for blessing our union when we didn’t have anybody. Thank you for buying a big cake for us on the day you blessed our union as a husband and a wife. Thank you, Pastor, for anointing and praying for each one of our children as you dedicated them to the LORD. Thank you, Pastor, for embracing my ministry when I first told you for the first time. Thank you, Pastor, for asking me and my Berhand about Appeal for Purity every time you see us.

Above all, thank you, Pastor, for loving me, my Berhan and our beautiful kids. May the LORD bless the rest of your years! May the LORD bless your children, grandchildren and grand-grandchildren up to 1000 generation! Oh, how we love you! Stay blessed! ///

“Thanksgiving Giveaway, Comment & Win”

One of the Appeal for Purity leaders wanted to call this game, “Thanksgiving Giveaway, Comment & Win.” I love it! So, that is the name of the game.

So, the game is this: Tomorrow morning I will post my pastor’s picture at 9:45am and with the picture I will write few thank you notes to my pastor. Then you guys will go ahead and drop your comments on that particular post, uploading your pastor’s picture with a thank you note to your pastor. To win this competition you have to follow the following rules: (Please pay close attention to the rules) Continue reading “Thanksgiving Giveaway, Comment & Win”

The Winner will receive $500.00 from Appeal for Purity!

Well, as you all know, Appeal for Purity is doing the very first modesty competition called “The Esther’s Like Modesty.”

And we will soon introduce you the two finalist who went through the treacherous process of competing to win the title, “Queen of Modesty” and made it this far.

As I promised you last time, you will take part in voting to the one girl who is worthy to win this title. Continue reading The Winner will receive $500.00 from Appeal for Purity!

I’m not ready for snow!

I’m not ready for snow and I don’t think I will ever be ready for any snow any day. I don’t like snow and I don’t appreciate snow at all. Okay, let me say it, I hate snow. That is it!

They said that our Maryland is going to be covered with snow tonight and I’m not ready for it.

The only way I comfort myself during this season is by thinking about heaven. Do you know that there is no snow in heaven? Yes, there is no snow in heaven because the Bible doesn’t say so. Continue reading I’m not ready for snow!

No Amount Of Perfection

One day our youngest son, I think he was second or third grade, came from school looking very sad. I took a quick look at his face and within a second knew there was something wrong with him.

When we got home, I called him to my bedroom and asked, “You look very sad. Is there something you want to talk about?” His eyes were actually ready to let it all out.

So, wiping his tears, he said, “So and so said to me, “Your Mama doesn’t look like a mother.”

Helping him wipe his tears, I asked him, “Did you ask him what your Mama looks like?”

Continue reading No Amount Of Perfection


It was few years back when our kids were very little. While I was reading one of those interesting psychology books, I don’t remember which one; I read that in every human heart, there is this deep seated desire to be naked. I said to myself, “You must be kidding me!” The author continued saying that not only we desire to be naked but we desire others to be naked as well.

I said to myself; “That is absurd!”

Well, I respectfully disagreed with the idea and moved on to the next one. But the idea kind of stayed with me. Then to my surprise, I noticed something.

Continue reading Nakedness

Whoever Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High – Part I

Sitting in the dark room, in the middle of the night, he began sweating as if he ran five miles. The question which kept on coming in his mind was, “How did I end up here?”

He grew up in the church. He knows more Bible verses than most of his friends. Growing up, he was considered as one of the spiritual young men who could take a place of pastoral position or something. Even as a young lad, some people used to come and ask him to pray for them.

As his mother only son, his mother raised him as if he was the last man from human race. She didn’t let him go through circumcision until he turned thirteen. His father and uncle pressured his mother and she agreed to let him get circumcised at the age of thirteen. Continue reading Whoever Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High – Part I

How to Deal with Immodesty Among Worship Leaders

A4P Guest: I’m a leader for our church’s worship group. We are eight, including me. Four of us stand at one time to lead the worship. I’ve been leading this worship group since 2008 and I have no problem with any of them but one girl. This girl is a very nice girl and everything; but there is one issue. I told to every one of the worship leaders that we need to dress respectfully when we stand behind the pulpit but this girl wears these very tight pair of pants where anyone can trace every part of her body down there. Two of our church ministers already complained about it to me and I generally talked to all of the worship leaders about how we need to present ourselves, without picking on her but she doesn’t seem to listen. What can I do?

Continue reading How to Deal with Immodesty Among Worship Leaders