Category Archives: Sexual Purity

A Small Voice

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you wished you were not born or something?

Somebody annoys you and you are like, “You know what, I will give this person a piece of my mind” and run to get even with them. And most of the time, while you are in the heat of the moment, you hear a small voice inside your soul, a voice that says something like, “It is okay, let it go” but you ignore it. You go as you plan and say what you want to say and then, after the fact, you regret for the rest of your life.

Let me give you one example: Continue reading A Small Voice

Very Important information! Please read it!

There is one CD order which is shipped back to us because of a wrong address. The order was from Las Vegas, NV, on November 23.

If you live in Las Vegas, put order and didn’t receive it, let me hear from you. We tried to reach you via email but we didn’t hear anything back from you.

So, inbox me here. The address on the shipping envelope was copied and pasted from the PayPal order invoice.
Continue reading Very Important information! Please read it!

Win the mind first, not the action!

If we ever need to wage war against sexual sin and addiction, we should start from our thought lives because every action gets conceived there first. The stronghold is the thought of it all, not the action. The action is the result of the stronghold that is in the mind.

Listen what the Bible says:

“When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” James 1:13-15 ///

This made my day and I have to share it with you all!

I heard it on the radio. It is a true story of a poor husband.

So, one Christmas season the husband, as usual, zoomed out of the whole idea of going to the mall to look for a gift for his wife. He didn’t think much about it until late on Christmas Eve.

So, on Christmas Eve, when he saw all the pile of gifts under the tree, he rushed out of the house as if he got up from his deep sleep and went to the nearby mall. As you can imagine, the shopping mall was full of all those frantic and nervous “last minute shoppers.” Even if it was hard to see anything, he found his way to the jewelry counter and found one cute gold pin for his wife. He got it wrapped up with a pretty gift paper, took it home and proudly kept it under the tree.

On the Christmas Day morning, he gave the gift to his wife after she gave him a perfect gift he wanted to have. She opened her gift and – – – within a second, he realized from her look that she didn’t like the gift.

So, he asked, “Honey, you didn’t like the gift?”

She calmly said, “Honey, you gave me this same pin last year on Christmas Day.”

He completely forgot it! Struggling to cover his shame, he managed to come up with a reply and said, “But I have never seen you wearing it.”

She again calmly replied, “Because I’ve never liked it.”


What should we do with our poor husbands?????///

“How can I get better at Sex?”

“I’m married and have one two years old son. I’ve been a Christian since I was twelve. I’m 28 years old now. I was a virgin when I got married three years ago. My husband on the other hand had sexual relationship with other women. Now we are having sexual problem because he always says to me things like, “All my ex-girlfriends used to make me happy sexually but you don’t know anything because you have no sexual experience.” I’m not sure what to do. I’m confused and frustrated. I sometimes blame God for paying me back this way for keeping myself pure until marriage. How and where can I go to learn about sex?”

Oh, my dearest, God is Just! He is a faithful God! God has nothing to do with your current problem but your husband. Your husband is failing you on letting you teach him how to love you. Continue reading “How can I get better at Sex?”

Oh, it is Sunday again! Praise the LORD!

And it is not just a Sunday, but a beautiful sunny and gorgeous Sunday! Praise God!

Sunday, one of the days we go to the house of God and worship God together! When we brothers and sisters sit together, we receive special blessing, visitation directly from God and guess what that visitation is going to bring us?

Listen what the Bible says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brothers to dwell together in unity! – – – For there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forever.” Psalm 133 (NASB) Continue reading Oh, it is Sunday again! Praise the LORD!

My upcoming YouTube message answers the following question

“I am a 28 years old Christian single man. The one thing I desire in my life right now is to get married. I have dated two to three girls so far. The girl I am dating right now is just an amazing girl. The last thing I want is to lose her. So, if I were to ask you to give me three important principles I need to know so that I end up marrying this girl, what would those principles be?”

Don’t miss it!

“SUBSCRIBE” to the Appeal for Purity’s YouTube account and be the first one to receive all A4P’s new video clips


The Bible verse I’ve been meditating on since morning:

“There is no divination against Jacob,
no evil omens against Israel.
It will now be said of Jacob
and of Israel, ‘See what God has done!’” Numbers 23:23

Did you hear that? Wow! Neither divination nor any omen works against Jacob! It doesn’t work because the One who dwells among Jacob is called God Almighty! The only thing Jacob and Israel’s enemy can do is this: Saying to himself and others every morning, “See what God has done!” ///