A4P Guest: My husband and I are writing this to you together. After four years of marriage, our sexual intimacy got cold and we both began complaining about it. Then one day I came across a porn site and told my husband about it. So, we invited porn to our bedroom and after that for few months, we thought we got back our sexual pleasures we lost through the years. But as you already said it on most of your articles, the porn soon destroyed everything we had. We went for counseling because we couldn’t get along anymore. We didn’t tell to the counselor about the porn because we were very scared. The counselor tried Continue reading Marital Sexual Intimacy After Porn
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
Marrying An Unbeliever: What Do You Think About It?
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Porn And A Man
A4P Guest: What is the one thing that pulls a man in porn addiction?
A4P: The woman in porn doesn’t demand and ask anything from the man. She is willing to give him anything he asks and more. She takes nothing from him but gives him everything. She doesn’t ask him to love and care for her. All she is asking him is to give her his soul. That is all!
A4P Guest: But why doesn’t the man then be happy with porn and live quietly? Why does he seek help to stop viewing porn? Continue reading Porn And A Man
Remember: God Answers our Prayers!
I believe with all my heart that God has some sense of humor.
Most Bible scholars also share this view too. I don’t think God is a mean looking old man, with a rod on His hand. I believe He is a fun God to be with; and I believe He loves making things fun so that we enjoy life to the fullest.
Some of the stories I read in the Bible are very funny, at least for me.
When it comes to praying to God to look “marvelously spiritual,” I was very good at it. And God usually answers them all. Continue reading Remember: God Answers our Prayers!
“Breaking Free”
For those of you who are voracious readers, here is a book to devour: Breaking Free – Understanding Sexual Addiction & the Healing Power of Jesus!
Sure, it is written for men and I am not a man but I didn’t see on the cover that says, “Women are not allowed to read it!” So, I read it like nobody’s business and I love it!
If you want to get a glimpse of what sexual addiction is, this is the book. If you want to break free from that long standing masturbation and porn addiction, frequent visit to prostitutes or strip club, or anything similar, this is the book to read. Continue reading “Breaking Free”
Prayer Request
I always try to pray for our kids before they go to bed. My little one is the one who reminds me if I forget.
Yes, I sometimes forget about it and sometimes, well, I purposely forget it if I’m very tired or grouchy.
Yesterday night, while I was devouring one book (I will tell you about it when I finish it), my little one came and said, “Come and pray for us.” So, I first went to my daughter’s room. She is fourteen now and she got rid of all the night-lights. Big girls don’t need night-lights. Hooray! Continue reading Prayer Request
“Beyond the Fairy Tale”
. . . is the title of my very first book! Oh, I can’t tell you how excited I’m about “Beyond the Fairy Tale!”
I was literally carrying the message of this book in my spiritual “womb” for many years. Now, at last, it is coming on a hard copy, for others to hold it on their hands and read it! Not only read it but being changed by its message forever! Fantastic! Oh, I’m more than excited!
May all the glory, praise, honor and worship be to our Lord Jesus Christ! Continue reading “Beyond the Fairy Tale”
Are Women different from Men?
I’m not sure who is still asking this question? Anyways, the simple answer is yes, we women are different from men and our differences create beauty to this life.
Look at these two funny but simple examples to see how, for example our brains process information differently.
Single man and single girl:
The guy has been chatting with this girl on Facebook for a couple of months now. When he was out with his friends for a cup of tea yesterday, this girl dropped him message saying “Hi.” He took out his phone to reply. One of his friends, looking at his phone, asked him, “Who are you replying to?” Continue reading Are Women different from Men?
An Imposter!
Do you know the meaning of the word: “imposter?”
It means: a person who practices deception under an assumed character, identity, or name.
The one word that is very close to the word impostor is masquerade. And the word masquerade is defined as: false outward show; disguise.
A masquerade or an imposter leads a double life. He may look from the outside as someone who is a serious servant of God who doesn’t compromise but in his/her private life, he/she leads a sinful life.
Do you know if a person chooses to be an “imposter” he/she can get to the point where nobody can help him/her?
If for example a husband who is an imposter has a marriage problem and goes to marriage counseling, he presents himself to the counselor as someone who is very spiritual. And the counselor looks at his wife with a suspicious look that says, “Why are you complaining about this kind and spiritual man?”
Wow! Do you know that nobody can help an imposter, not even God? Nobody! Until he/she comes to his/her senses and says to him/herself, “Enough of this life,” he/she lives in darkness. It doesn’t matter if he/she goes to the church and gets involved in a ministry; he/she lives in darkness.
Do you know a big imposter? You guessed it! It is the devil! Listen what the Bible says:
“For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.” 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
Who are we lying to when we masquerade and impose? To no one but ourselves!
Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
That means God knows who we really are and other people will eventually come to know who we really are. So when we impose, we pretty much lying to nobody but to ourselves. Think about it!
Let’s be true to ourselves, others and God because that is where we find our healing. ///