Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Narrow Gate Vs Wide Gate

A4P Guest: My friend suggested to me to like your page few weeks ago and I’ve been reading your posts since then. I like the topics you are raising and I thank you for that but sometimes I feel like you are a bit too strict about some of life issues such as kissing before marriage and similar topics. Why?

A4P: Because I only strive to talk about the narrow gate, not about the wide gate:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 ///


Making our lives as an open book to our brothers and sisters in Christ, praying, reading and meditating the Word of God  and hiding it in our hearts and minds will keep us all from danger.

As the Word sharpens our mind and spirit, we become wise enough to seek only that which brings life, joy, peace and rest to our soul, spirit and body.

That is what the Bible calls “WISDOM.”

Listen how the Word of God advises a young man to use WISDOM to stay away from adultery: Continue reading WISDOM!

My number one favorite Question of the Day!

A4P Guest: Why are women not interested to talk deep things, always interested to talk the simple funny things? Is there an approach I need to have so that a girl I’m approaching will open up to talk the hard talk, I am not good with the funny cookie stuff! Any idea!

A4P: LOL! I love it! First, thank you so much my dear brother for allowing me to share your question with all my Facebook fans!

So, for those of you single men out there who may have similar question, this is my take on the matter: Continue reading My number one favorite Question of the Day!

Two Saturdays, Jan 24 and 31

Flyer to Berea Tel Conference 01 2015

Another opportunity for me to speak about sexual purity! Praise the LORD!

So, mark your calendar and join me and others on January 24 and 31 on the Berea Tel-conference program from 8am to 10am.

Phone number to call and join us: +1-712-432-5222; code: 2484446#

Share the flyer with your friends so that we all gather together from the comfort of our homes and worship God together. ///

Sex on Skype

A4P Guest: Is that okay for me to have sex on Skype with my wife?

A4P: You mean, you want to masturbate with your wife on Skype?

A4P Guest: I guess.

A4P: Why do you want to do that when you are able to sleep with her?

A4P Guest: She lives in Canada and I live in America.

A4P: Wow! So, you want to get engaged in a mutual masturbation practice and you want to know if that practice is an acceptable one?

A4P Guest: Yes. Continue reading Sex on Skype

My Recent Travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Thank you for all of you who liked my family’s Ethiopian Christmas Day picture and dropped off your sweet comments. I know most of you don’t know this but my siblings are on this page and they liked it too, lol. I love them very much!

In case you don’t know this, that particular family picture doesn’t represent the whole “Tadess Kifetew’s” family but only 1% of the family. For example, our German brother-in-law, the one we love very dearly, is not in it because he was the one with the camera. All our in-laws, three of our siblings, eight of our parent’s grand-children (two them are in the picture) and around 67 their adopted grand-children (adopted children of my brother, the one you see in the picture wearing eye glasses) were not in picture. I know, it is a very big family. When I manage to get them all in one picture, I sure will post that picture so that you will meet them all.

Some of you asked me yesterday in church to write about my stay in Addis. Do you think I can start to write and finish it all here on this page? I don’t think so! Continue reading My Recent Travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Question about Masturbation

A4P Guest: Can you give us evidence why masturbation is wrong? When it has been said that between 95 and 98 percent of young men are engaged in this practice and the rest are liars – aren’t we add burden of guilt on the men when we say masturbation is a sin? – – –

A4P: Before I say anything, let me say this: Feeling guilty is a God-given emotion; it is good. It brings us back to God. It is not good only when it has no logical and/or biblical ground. Continue reading Question about Masturbation

Christmas Pictures I want to share with you all!


I have to share this family picture with all of you!

Oh, what a Christmas! I love it!

I’m not going to talk about the sun! Oh, no, I will hurt many people who are dealing with snow.

So, here is half of my family! The little princess you see is Tsion (my only youngest sister’s daughter – my youngest sister is the one whose left hand is on my shoulder. Two of my sisters arrived here on Monday and Tuesday from London and Fenland and you can tell that Ethiopian sun didn’t burn their faces, lol. My sister who is at the back came from Germany and my brother with glasses came from Sweden and I from Maryland, we got tanned really well, lol within two weeks. We love it, lol. We all are talking about the sun and how we can pack it in our luggage!

Okay, let me go and enjoy the rest of the holiday!