What is it? It is a series of three erotic romance novels! They are called: Fifty Shades of Grey; Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.
I am not sure if you already heard my message I gave on the Berea teleconference last Saturday or a week earlier. But if you did, you should have heard me mentioning these books. Well, I said few words about these books in the context of parenting; so that parents would save their daughters from these novels.
Well, today I want to warn everybody about these novels because a movie is made on the Fifty Shades of Grey and it coming out in theaters across America on a day before the Valentine’s Day.
The trilogy has only three years of history. That means the trilogy came out within three years time frame. Within these three years, it won the market in a way that made it second to the Bible by the number of sell (100 million copies are sold so far). Can you just imagine what that means? Continue reading “Fifty Shades Trilogy”→
I know Groundhog’s Day was yesterday but hey, who said that we can’t talk about it today on February 3rd?
Well, I did think about it yesterday but I quickly forgot because only one newscaster talked about it on the news.
Groundhog’s Day is a day of celebration where groundhog comes out of its burrow (hole) and looks for its shadow. If it is sunny and groundhog sees its shadow, it retreats back to its hole knowing that winter is going to stay longer at least for another six weeks. If the weather is cloudy and the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, it will come out of its hole and enjoy itself; because it knows that spring is around the corner (remember the light groundhog is looking for is a light which creates no shadow.) Continue reading Groundhog’s Day!→
I thank God for this beautiful opportunity He gave me this past week! I was invited to give an interview to the Melekot TV show. Who invited me? Well, my dear beloved brother, Worku Legesse, founder and president of Melekot. If you remember a while back, I told you that Bro. Worku is one of my mentors in my walk with Christ and in God’s work. Continue reading My Interview with Melekot TV Show→
At last, I managed to convince all my older siblings to take me with them to an over-night party. I convinced them that I was old enough to go with them to one of our cousins’ graduation party.
I was sixteen, and I thought I was the oldest and wisest person in the whole wide world. Whenever someone asked me how old I was, I used to say, “Almost seventeen” even while I was sixteen years and one month old.
A4P Guest: . . . . If a couple can’t be together to have sex because of immigration problem, why don’t they use Skype? Instead of burning from sexual desire and be tempted to . . . in this way they can protect each other . . . . When you do not know in what situation this couple is, how can you judge them for using Skype as their sexual outlet? Do you think they prefer to do it on Skype? I think the problem is this: We have hard time to understand others’ problem when we do not experience the problem ourselves . . .
01/22/1973 – The day America legalizes abortion in all fifty states – so far 56 million babies lost their lives in America; that means 137 babies an hour.
I love to hear the truth about abortion only from women who went through it because they judge nobody; they just tell what it is; as it is.
As always Focus on the Family ministry had a wonderful radio show today and I heard it on my phone since I was busy when they aired the program. I already shade my tears with these wonderful women and it is now your turn. Here is the link: