Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Asking A Married Woman for a Date

When a man asks a married woman for a date, I don’t think the wise answer for her to reply back to him is, “I’m sorry, I’m married.”

I think that may sound to him as if she said: “Oops! You came a little late! I wish you came a bit earlier than now for me to marry you, not my husband.”

Instead, I think, the wise and godly answer, answer to save herself from adulterous relationship from its inception, is: “You know what? I have no need and want to date any man at all because I found this man and I keep finding myself falling in love with him even after I married him.”

Ouch! That reply will teach him never to mess with any married woman. ///



Had a Wonderful Monday Evening!

Thank you all my Facebook fans who have joined me yesterday night at the Berea teleconference program! Wow! What a turn out! I am so proud of you!  I don’t know about you but I had a wonderful time. May all the praise and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ.

I would like to say, “Thank You” to my wonderful brother, Daniel Aregahegn, who invited me to his program. Daniel is the host of a program called “A Special Program” which always begins on Monday at 8:30pm (ET) at the Berea teleconference.

Thank you Daniel for having me at your program! God bless you and yours! Though I can’t come to the program next Monday to continue what we’ve started, I sure will come another time.

For those of you who have missed yesterday’s program, here is the link:






Glory in Suffering!

“Jesus didn’t suffer so that you wouldn’t suffer. He suffered so that when you suffer you would experience the glory of becoming like Him.” From Pastors’ Blog

Talk about real Gospel, this is it! ///

Here is the Last Sunday Sermon at San Francisco

Oh, how I love to talk about the precious, glorious, metaphoric and spiritual meaning of sexual intimacy which is found in the marriage of one man and one woman!

Gazing at the Truth of God about the spiritual meaning of sexual intimacy, it is not hard for anyone to understand why the devil tries his best to deceive and confuse us in this particular area.

Yes, we shall know the Truth and that Truth shall set us free! (John 8:32)

Oh, may the LORD open up our eyes so that we can see the blessing God so desires to pour out in our sexual lives. ///



A thought – – – to a destiny!

Have you ever heard this saying: “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny?”

Well, I usually read or hear it in the context of sin and the consequence of sin, but I think this same trend can be used for good and righteous things. After all, we all are habitual creatures. I mean, we learn something and it will be our habit.

If I sow a thought that comes from the Word of God, I will reap the action from it. Let’s say, if I meditate on the Word of God that says, “Don’t you know that you yourself are God’s temple” (1 Corinthians 3:16), I begin to see myself as I am, the temple of the Holy God. Then as I stay with the thought and the meditation of the Word, I start to lose interest to be nothing but the Temple of the Lord. Sin loses power on me. I reap the action. Then I love staying away from that which is sinful and continue meditating on the Word of God more. Then meditating and reaping righteousness becomes my habit. As I keep on doing it, it will become my habit to the point where I do it everywhere I go; even when I eat and sleep and do anything and everything. Meditating and reaping righteousness becomes my character. Then righteousness becomes the story of my life, my destiny!

I think I love the logic here, don’t you? Let’s try it. It should work. After all the Bible says, I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119:11) ///

GPS of Our Life

GPS (the Global Positioning System) is a system that tells us where a certain address is located on this earth. We enter the address of our destination and the GPS will show us exactly how to get there. It gives us a step by step direction.

GPS has been around for sometimes now but haven’t you seen people who have GPS on their phone or car but don’t even know where they’re driving to? Continue reading GPS of Our Life

Give thanks to the LORD

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good.
His love endures forever.
(Psalm 136:1)

Wow! Yes God is good and His love endures forever!

Here we’re given another new day, another opportunity, to give all praises, glories and honors to Him alone.

So beloved, let’s gather together in the house of the LORD with our friends and families to give thanks to Him alone. ///

Question About VOA came Up in the middle of the Interview

As you all know, My Berhan and I are planning to celebrate the Valentine’s Day this weekend. So we’re getting ready to head out to Baltimore to take part in “the Weekend to Remember Getaway” for married couples with the Family Life Today Ministry folks ( I can’t tell you how excited I’m. I’m a bit spent so it will be a good opportunity for me to relax. Continue reading Question About VOA came Up in the middle of the Interview