Category Archives: Sexual Purity

A Good Reason to Go to Church Today!

A4P Guest: I’ve been following your Facebook page and YouTube channel for a while now. I’ve heard most of your messages. You are mostly talking about how dangerous it is for us believers to live in sexual immorality. I got it! I heard you! I understood the truth about that. But okay, we are in it now. I and many of my Christian friends are living in sexual immorality. What is the solution? How did we end up in here? How do Christian people choose this life? How can we get out of this? Why do you always talk about the problem, not the solution?

A4P: Hmm, maybe I lost my mind or something; or am I missing something here? Continue reading A Good Reason to Go to Church Today!

A Role of a Father from a Family – – – A Generation

When our daughter was a little girl, like three or four years old, the most exciting day for her used to be the day I made her hair differently. She looks at herself in the mirror, admiring her beauty she asks: “Do you think my dad will recognize me?” I always respond, “I doubt it.”

She waits for him as if nobody’s business. Every now and then, she looks out of the window to see if her dad is back from work. So, I usually call my husband and give him heads up. So, he comes home and says, “Where is my daughter? And, who is this cute girl here?” Continue reading A Role of a Father from a Family – – – A Generation

Disqualify Yourself from the Pulpit

While he is harboring a sexual sin, what benefit is there for the man of God to stand behind the pulpit to preach and sing? Nothing!

While a preacher/singer is a prisoner of adultery, porn and masturbation addiction, or prostitution and cyber-sex addiction, why does he still choose to stand behind the pulpit?

Many reasons!

His reputation! Many people may see him as an angelical being; a man who came down directly from heaven. How can he just let that go? His ego is on the line. Very tough! Continue reading Disqualify Yourself from the Pulpit

“I find it hard to trust my husband”

A4P Guest: I am married to my husband for three years now. We have a one-year old son. We both are born-again Christians. I love my husband very much, maybe more than life itself. I know he loves me. After we got married, he cheated on me with one of his ex-s and I forgave him because I think the girl set him up for it and it was hard for him to go out of the temptation. Now he spends most of his evening hours after he comes from work on Facebook chatting with one of his ex-s. I told him that I didn’t appreciate his relationship with any of his ex-s. Whenever I bring up this discussion, he always gets upset with me and says, “Why don’t you trust me? You always say you love me but why do you find it hard to trust me? I am just chatting with them as a friend.” I am praying but nothing seems to change. I know I have to forgive him for his past mistake because love doesn’t keep record of wrongs but for some reason I find it hard to trust him. What should I do? Continue reading “I find it hard to trust my husband”

“You do not believe in Miracle?”

A4P Guest: I’m a 25 year old single man. When I was 14 years old, I was introduced to porn and masturbation and I was addicted to those things until last year. Last year I went with one of my friends to a conference where a man of God was praying for deliverance. There were lots of people who were demon possessed and addicted to all sorts of sexual sins like me. Most people got delivered! And in the middle of the program, the man of God came directly to me and said “Son, the chain of sexual addiction is broken from your life.” When I heard those words, I fell on my face and some kind of electric shock went through my body and I knew at that moment that I was free from the bondage of porn and masturbation addiction. From that night on up to this day, I’m free from sexual addiction. So when I read some of your blogs, you rarely talk about miracle in the name of Jesus. You talk about counseling, psychiatrist, psychologists and all those professions who are not the answers for sexual addiction. The Bible says, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! So when you talk about how one can be free from the bondage of sexual addiction, why don’t you talk about the miraculous deliverance they can have in Jesus; or you don’t believe in miracle?

A4P: Let me first say this to make the air clear: I do believe in miracle and I do believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Actually I am one of those people who had received amazing miracle from the Lord Jesus Christ on the day I’ve received the Holy Spirit baptism. Continue reading “You do not believe in Miracle?”

“Am I Considered as a sexually Addicted Person?”

A4P Guest: “I’m a 29 year-old single woman. I have a problem of viewing porn and masturbation. I’m a born-again Christian and heavily involved in my church ministry. Am I considered a sexually addicted person or a person with a sexual sin problem?”

A4P: An excellent question!

Having sexual addiction problem and sexual sin problem are two different things but both are considered sinful before God. Sexual intimacy is considered holy before God ONLY when it occurs in a one-flesh relationship of one man and one woman who are married to each other. Continue reading “Am I Considered as a sexually Addicted Person?”

Asking A Married Woman for a Date

When a man asks a married woman for a date, I don’t think the wise answer for her to reply back to him is, “I’m sorry, I’m married.”

I think that may sound to him as if she said: “Oops! You came a little late! I wish you came a bit earlier than now for me to marry you, not my husband.”

Instead, I think, the wise and godly answer, answer to save herself from adulterous relationship from its inception, is: “You know what? I have no need and want to date any man at all because I found this man and I keep finding myself falling in love with him even after I married him.”

Ouch! That reply will teach him never to mess with any married woman. ///



Had a Wonderful Monday Evening!

Thank you all my Facebook fans who have joined me yesterday night at the Berea teleconference program! Wow! What a turn out! I am so proud of you!  I don’t know about you but I had a wonderful time. May all the praise and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ.

I would like to say, “Thank You” to my wonderful brother, Daniel Aregahegn, who invited me to his program. Daniel is the host of a program called “A Special Program” which always begins on Monday at 8:30pm (ET) at the Berea teleconference.

Thank you Daniel for having me at your program! God bless you and yours! Though I can’t come to the program next Monday to continue what we’ve started, I sure will come another time.

For those of you who have missed yesterday’s program, here is the link:






Glory in Suffering!

“Jesus didn’t suffer so that you wouldn’t suffer. He suffered so that when you suffer you would experience the glory of becoming like Him.” From Pastors’ Blog

Talk about real Gospel, this is it! ///