Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Death or Life?

God said to Adam and Eve, “you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:17)

God pretty much said to them, if you disobey Me, you will certainly die. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, did they die?

Well, after they ate the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve built a house and had kids, Abel and Cain. Continue reading Death or Life?

The First Two Teaching CDs to Order

If you didn’t order the first two teaching CDs from the Appeal for Purity website, click the link below and order your copy.

Store Front

There is one order which came back to us with an “UNCLAIMED” sticker on it. We have copied and pasted the address that was entered on the order invoice but apparently there is something missing. We have been trying to reach the individual via email with no success.

So, if you live in San Leandro, CA 94577, and put order but didn’t receive your order, please inbox us here on this page so that we can send you your order with the correct mailing address. Thanks! ///

“I believe sex is a necessity”

A4P Guest: “I’m confused. I read some of your posts where you talked about how important marital sexual intimacy is and how married couples have to make sure that they make love as often as they can. I also heard on one of your messages you uploaded on the A4P YouTube channel where you said, “Sexless marriages are dangerous marriages.” Now in your latest post, you said, “Sex is not a necessity.” Am I missing something or did you make a mistake? I always notice how an important role sex plays in the health of my own marriage. And I don’t know if my marriage survives without sex. I believe sex is a necessity.”

A4P: Well, the Bible says, “We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.” (James 3:2) Continue reading “I believe sex is a necessity”

Interesting Comment on “Fasting from Sex” Post

A4P Guest: “I am – – a little concerned, (about what you said) that God will never change His mind when we seek His mercy by fasting and praying. I know this is one of the very controversial topics in Biblical discourse. But, I believe God will listen to our prayers and stop the wrath He would have otherwise brought. That’s what He did to the people of Israel. That’s what He did to the Nineveh people. So fasting and praying do matter. Your point sounded like praying and fasting have got nothing to do with God’s mercy.”

A4P: First, thank you for your – “Your point sounded like” phrase. That means you doubted that I meant to say God doesn’t answer our prayers or doesn’t give us mercy when we ask. Well, I’ll try to clarify my point today if I may. Continue reading Interesting Comment on “Fasting from Sex” Post

Fasting from Sex

A4P Guest: “My husband and I are born against Christians. We are members of one local church in our area. We try our best to get involved in every activity our church may have. For this Easter season, our church has a 21 days fasting program that we, my husband and I, are taking part in. So this past Sunday, after the church service, a topic came up about what to fast and what not to fast from. And some of our church folks said that our fasting should include fasting from sex for our fasting to be biblically right. I asked them to prove it for me from the Bible but nobody knew exactly what verse to tell me but they kept on claiming that it is biblical to fast from sex when we fast from food. I and my husband don’t think we need to fast from sex. What is your take on this issue? I don’t think sex has anything to do with fasting.”

A4P: Thank you for your timely question and thank you for giving me permission to address your question on the page.

Most churches use this Easter season for fasting. I think that is excellent! Fasting is one of the Christian disciplines that is becoming rare and considered as outdated. But fasting has the most spiritual significance in a Christian life as praying and studying the Word of God have. And I appreciate you and your husband for taking part in your church’s fasting program. Continue reading Fasting from Sex

New York from April 10 to 12!

Facebook-ad_NewYork April 2015

God opened yet another door for me and the Appeal for Purity Ministry to go and minister! Where? At the Emmanuel Worship Center in Bronx, New York from April 10 to 12.

I can’t tell you how excited I’m! Praise be to His Holy Name!

Within these three days, from April 10 to 12, I’m going to minister to teens, singles, married couples and to the whole Sunday morning congregation. Don’t miss it!

So, if you are in New York, mark your calendar to be there and worship God with us! If you are not going to be in the New York area but know people who are, invite them over on our behalf.

Blessings! ///


First let me say this:

“Thank you” to all of you the Appeal for Purity Ministry Facebook page fans who liked our wedding pictures and wished us a happy anniversary! My Berhan and I were very humbled by it all! We really appreciate you all a lot! May Jesus Christ take all the glory, praise and honor because He is the Author of our life and marriage!

Today is Sunday and you know what I’m about to say, don’t you?

Let’s all go to church!

Local church is where we find Christ working relentlessly to bring light to the dark world by destroying the work of the devil.

Jesus said, “- – – on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18)

Whether a local church is strong or weak, Christ is the Head of her and nothing can overcome her. Be part of a Bible believing and teaching local church. Then lock your hands with other believers so that you be a channel for the Holy Spirit to reach out to the lost. ///

“Jesus didn’t come to rescue us from our humanity”

Whenever I find a good book to read, I forget the whole world, I mean I literally forget the rest of the world, including myself.

And Joshua Harris who is one of my favorite authors successfully makes his readers get lost in the Truth of God. As you flip the pages, you get socked, drowned and lost in awe of God and His Truth! For me personally, reading Pastor Harris’ book is like having a wonderful devotional time with my LORD and God. Breathtaking!

If you didn’t read his books such as “sex is not the problem (lust is)” or “not even a hint” or “Boy meets Girl” or “I kissed Dating Goodbye”, well, you are missing out. You may not know this but Pastor Harris’s books are one of those “must-read” books many marriage counselors recommend to singles! So, if you are single, get these books and you will know what I am talking about. Continue reading “Jesus didn’t come to rescue us from our humanity”

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

A4P Guest: “How about taking HIV/AIDS as a topic by itself out in the open? Our community (Ethiopian and Eritrean) is disproportionately infected by it and lots of studies have shown that fact. Yet we as a community of people especially at the churches are very quiet about sexually transmitted disease (STD) because it’s still considered as a very sinful and taboo thing to talk about. It is by far worse here among the diaspora than back home in Africa. I for one have been closely following this issue for years being HIV positive myself for 18 years, I can say with certainty that we are going backward. I tried to bring the dialogue going around churches but the doors are closed. I believe it’s time to talk about it out in the open because it will ease the stigma and help reduce the spread of all the STDs as it also encourages people to get tested. That’s what needs to be done.”

A4P: First, let me say this – I was blown away when I read your “being HIV positive myself for 18 years” comment posted on A4P Facebook page! Wow! I wonder how that feels like, to come out and say it like that in the open! It should feel good in and out! “No secret to hide” kind of life feels wonderful! Doesn’t it? Continue reading Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)