A4P Guest: I’m a 36 year-old woman and I’ve been dating a man (38 years old) for a couple years now. We both are born again Christians. This year, I was expecting him to propose to me but he doesn’t even talk about marriage at all. I told him in several occasions how much I desire to get married. But he usually changes the subject and avoids it totally. What do you advise me to do?
A4P: I have few questions for you before I jump into answering your questions. So, what do you mean when you say you are dating a man? How do you define dating? How does dating look like in your relationship?
A4P Guest: I mean, just dating, nothing else. We see each other almost every day and we speak on the phone almost every night before we go to bed. Continue reading Dating and Marriage→
– – – to deal with the evil spirit when he strikes is by running to the True Shepherd of our soul, Jesus Christ; by seeking Him day and night as a deer pants, desires and seeks for the water! (Psalm 42:1; James 4:8)
After all, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! He is the Bread of Life! (John 14:6a, John 6:35 & 48) Without Him, there is no eternal life because He said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6b ///
Few months ago, I announced one competition called “The Ester’s Kind of Modesty Competition” and more than 18 girls signed up for it from different countries. I asked the A4P fans to donate money for the cause so that the winner of this competition will receive cash. Continue reading Let Modesty Reign in our Churches!→
God opened yet another door for Missy and Appeal for Purity Ministry (A4P) to minister His people!
Venue: Addis Kidan Evangelical Church
We’re so much excited! All praises, honors and glories be to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ!
Missy will be ministering to teens, singles, married couples and whole congregation. Please pray for all involved in this program.
You don’t want to miss this program if you are in Colorado. Make sure you invite someone out there to come and join us in worshiping the Most High God.
That is the 8th song from Jonathan Thulin’s new album called “Science Fiction.” The song just made my day!
Think about it! God’s love for us is actually out of this world. The life we have in Christ, because God so loved us, is out of this world.
That is what science fiction movies are all about: They tell a fiction story of a life that is outside this world!
But the life you and I live in Christ is not fiction at all. It is real! God’s love and our life in His love may look like science fiction but it is real!
New York was very cold but the warm hospitality of the Emmanuel Worship Center folks made me feel like I was in the middle of a summer season.
I had a wonderful weekend except Saturday evening when I had a severe migraine headache. I only missed one program. Since God never lets my enemy rejoice over me, He gave me double strength, anointing and health for me to stand the next morning and proclaim His Truth. May He alone be praised! Oh, how I love to be with Jesus! Continue reading From New York back to Maryland→
Lying down on her back, she looked through the window which was next to the bed. She kept on thinking if her decision to have sex before marriage was right. She wanted to give lots of good reasons to quieten her soul but none of those reasons were good enough.
She quietly said, “I wish I was living with my family.” She didn’t know how that could have saved her from her decision.
It’s been almost three years since she moved out of her parents’ house. She now lives four hours’ away from home. She tries to keep in touch with her family over the phone. Last time when she talked to her mom, she told her about the man she was seeing. After her mom heard her talk about him for almost half an hour, she said, “Precious, I hope you won’t forget what you promised.” Continue reading Oh, Tell Her Until She Hears You→