Category Archives: Sexual Purity

You Have Not

The word of God says,

“You have not because you ask not.” James 4:2



Very straightforward, isn’t it?

I heard this verse today while talking to someone and I immediately began thinking about my morning prayers and I wondered if I prayed for the things I REALLY wanted from this life. Continue reading You Have Not

To Love

The word “love” has been romanticized so much that it now means something that is very far away from its true meaning.

I love this chocolate!
I love my pair of jeans!
I love me so much that I don’t have time for somebody else!
I love cake!
I love this kind of car, shoes, dog, burger, you name it!

The Bible says, “God is love.” 1 John 4:16 Continue reading To Love

My Sister & Her Hubby!?????❤️

I am the 8th child to my parents and here is my only younger sister, Tibkagre Tadesse Kifetew. She is four years younger than me. She lives in London with her husband, Sosenios Negash. They have two little ones. Their little one came to this world just when Covid hit our planet. And imagine, I didn’t see the brand new baby, Selihom (or, Siloam – John 9:7) my brand new niece until now. Continue reading My Sister & Her Hubby!?????❤️


The invitation goes out,

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 KJV

In short, it says, “Come.”

There is no “coming” unless the “come” invitation reaches to the one who is coming.

God invites first and we respond. Continue reading Come!