Category Archives: Sexual Purity

Every Morning

The morning sunrise declare one message to all human race: The mercy of God!
If there is air in our lungs today and we are able to inhale and exhale, guess what? The mercy of God is on us, and this mercy of God says this: Come!
You see, no one can go to the Father without being invited by God Himself. And God is inviting everybody saying, “Come!”
Is there any requirement to come to God?
There is none! None whatsoever! Why! Jesus died for your sin and my sin.
And the King has already stretched His scepter (Esther 8:4) through Christ Jesus to us to come to Him and no one can say to God, “Why are you stretching Your Scepter to these sinners? What are you doing?” – Daniel 4:35
Oh no! No one can say that to Him! God is the Alpha and the Omega! The Sovereign Lord!
Praise God! God’s invitation of salvation has come out through Christ Jesus to all human race.
Isn’t that comforting truth to know? It is for me, the sinner! I always comfort my soul with God’s mercy!
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 ESV
Woe to us if we reject this mercy because once we take our last breath, we only face the judgement of God that is going to be poured out on us without mercy.
“Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,” Hebrews 9:27 NIV
God forbid that none of us reject God’s mercy!
So please I beg you, call on God today! Now! Tomorrow or the next moment might be too late. ///

My Wife Cheated on Me

A4P Guest: I’ve been married for 7-years. In my opinion I had a good marriage, not my wife. Just two weeks ago, I found out that my wife cheated on me a month ago and I found out two weeks ago. I found inappropriate text messages and I confronted her and she confessed everything. Now I decided to divorce her.

A4P: Wow! I am so sorry!

A4P Guest: Thank you! It’s been the hardest two weeks of my life. Continue reading My Wife Cheated on Me

How To Speak In Tongues

Why is it hard for some married man to love their wives?

Many reasons!

Some husbands take their wives for granted and think that it is a waste of time to show any gesture of love to their wives. They ask, “Whether I show her love or not, she won’t go anywhere! So what waste my time!”

Others say, “I didn’t see my dad showing any love to my mom but my parents had a wonderful marriage. My wife now complains because she is watching too much movies.” Continue reading How To Speak In Tongues