A Christian means a person who heard the Gospel, received it and believed it. Continue reading “O you dear idiots of Galatia”
Category Archives: Sexual Purity
A Collection of Magic Verses
Earlier, after I came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, I thought the Bible was nothing but a collection of good sayings. Then I thought it contained countless magical verses I had to collect like money. Then I began to study those verses especially the ones famous preachers use to tell their amazing and hard to believe stories. It’s like a magician teaching you how to do magic.
During that time, I thought everybody I met and heard from about “Jesus” was the one I needed to listen to and follow. So, I became a faithful follower of pretty much all “renowned miracle working” preachers. Do I need to mention their names? Nah! Continue reading A Collection of Magic Verses
Is This Life Meaningless?
King Solomon, the richest and wisest man ever walked on this planet, said,
“The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher,
“Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.” Continue reading Is This Life Meaningless?
Let Us Not Nullify
You have no idea how I am falling in love with the Book of Galatians. It is a very short book but it is pregnant with countless truths of God. Continue reading Let Us Not Nullify
Which Message?
The word “salvation” itself needs some kind of heavenly revelation from God for one to fully understand and appreciate it.
Here are two dictionary definitions to the word ‘salvation:’ Continue reading Which Message?
At Birthday Parties
A4P Guest: I am totally confused!
A4P: About what?
A4P Guest: About my life!
A4P: Oh?
A4P Guest: Yes! I went to a one prayer program and someone prophesied on me saying that I would get married this year. Continue reading At Birthday Parties
Sheep and Shepherd
God is our Shepherd means He watches over us 24/7.
If God is our Shepherd, we can safely conclude that we are His sheep.
If we are His Sheep, we need to act like sheep. Have you ever seen a sheep worrying about anything? Continue reading Sheep and Shepherd
Only One Gospel
The word of God is the spring of life. We drink it now. Guess what? We immediately get thirsty again. We drink it. We get even thirstier. Why? It is the spring of life! It is life and it gives us life too! Continue reading Only One Gospel
Our Doctrines
If you want to know the doctrine of someone, all your have to do is this: Just listen to their prayers carefully.
For example, if they think that they have to hold on to their salvation tightly so that they would make it to the end, to heaven, they pray something like this:
Oh, God, help me to pray hard so I can hold on to You. Forgive me that I didn’t fast for 10 days last month as I always do every month. Help me to hold on to my salvation. Continue reading Our Doctrines
Talk to Yourself
Whenever you find yourself in the middle of suffering or some difficult situations, who or what do you listen to the most?”
I don’t know how you answer that question but for me I tend to read and listen to Charles Spurgeon, John Piper, J. I. Packer and so on.
The moment I stop reading or listening to these men of God, my soul, if I let it, it starts to talk to me saying: Continue reading Talk to Yourself