“I am a wife looking for a wife.”
Do you think this is a statement from a lesbian woman?
“I am a wife looking for a wife.”
Do you think this is a statement from a lesbian woman?
A4P Guest: I’ve been married for 7-years. In my opinion I had a good marriage, not my wife. Just two weeks ago, I found out that my wife cheated on me a month ago and I found out two weeks ago. I found inappropriate text messages and I confronted her and she confessed everything. Now I decided to divorce her.
A4P: Wow! I am so sorry!
A4P Guest: Thank you! It’s been the hardest two weeks of my life. Continue reading My Wife Cheated on Me
A4P Guest: My husband cheated on me four years ago. He actually slept with one of my friends who was also married and had kids. I forgave my husband, he cried and I cried too. However I still struggle with the thought as if it happened just yesterday. What should I do? Continue reading “My Husband Cheated On Me”
It is too risky to live in this world. Why? It is a fallen world. On the top of that, we live in a sin stricken, fallen and weak body. You know what this means? It means disaster is part of this life! Nothing is constant! Nothing stays the same. Continue reading When A Storm Hits Our Marriage
A4P Guest: I am married and have one child but I am not happy with my marriage.
A4P: Uh-oh! What’s going on with your marriage?
A4P Guest: My husband doesn’t listen to me.
A4P: Hmm! Give me some example. Continue reading He Only Wants to Watch TikTok
Why is it hard for some married man to love their wives?
Many reasons!
Some husbands take their wives for granted and think that it is a waste of time to show any gesture of love to their wives. They ask, “Whether I show her love or not, she won’t go anywhere! So what waste my time!”
Others say, “I didn’t see my dad showing any love to my mom but my parents had a wonderful marriage. My wife now complains because she is watching too much movies.” Continue reading How To Speak In Tongues
There is nothing as serious for a Christian as hardness of heart. It is serious because hardness of heart kills every good thing a Christian received from God. Continue reading Hardness of Heart
I am the 8th child to my parents and here is my only younger sister, Tibkagre Tadesse Kifetew. She is four years younger than me. She lives in London with her husband, Sosenios Negash. They have two little ones. Their little one came to this world just when Covid hit our planet. And imagine, I didn’t see the brand new baby, Selihom (or, Siloam – John 9:7) my brand new niece until now. Continue reading My Sister & Her Hubby!?????❤️
It is wonderful and beautiful when a mother decides to stay home with her kids. And many, many mothers have taken this decision, never to regret it again. Continue reading Stay-at-Home-With A Purpose
Marriage is not an easy thing. Two sinners are living under the same roof! Hello! What do you expect the result will be? Continue reading Married But Looking for A Husband