We are who we are mostly because of our circle of friends we choose to hang out with.
Are they complacence? Are they indifferent for the Work and Kingdom of God? Are they nominal Christians? Do they have integrity issue? Chances are we are the exact copies of our friends. Continue reading Our Circle of Friends→
Thank You, LORD, for giving me another day to come to You in prayer. May Your Name be blessed forever!
I have received many good and perfect gifts from You, LORD.
Above all the gifts, LORD Jesus, You gave me Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for me on the Cross so I might live for You. Jesus, You became sin for me so I might be God’s righteousness. Thank You, Lord Jesus! Continue reading A Prayer of A Wife to Her Husband→
Most of us have dreamed to have a perfect life when we were little kids. We loved those movies which ended with a scene where the groom kisses the beautiful bride and the end of the movie be announced with: “And they lived happily ever after” statement.
Well, we now know very well that there is no “lived happily ever after” kind of life or marriage. After we get married, we fight because we come very close to each other. Continue reading Do I need to fight or pray?→
When the Word of commands how a wife needs to be in her marriage, it reads like this: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husband” and it doesn’t stop there. It says, “Submit to your husbands as you do to the LORD”. And the Word commands husbands this way: “Husbands, love your wives” and it doesn’t stop there. It continues saying, “just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”. (Ephesians 5:21-33) Continue reading Our marriage is a direct reflection of our spiritual life→
It is good to know the love language of our spouses. Otherwise we speak in English, they hear us in Germany. This not only creates misunderstanding but it also creates chaos in the home. However knowing our spouses’ love language is not good enough.
Once we know they have a different love language than ours, we need to learn to speak it. How can we speak their language if their language is foreign to us? We have to spend time with them so that we learn and practice how to say all “the phonetics”. Continue reading Yes, Love needs time→