Category Archives: Marriage

Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.

Yesterday, I spent some time with my good Ethiopian brothers in Christ, discussing about the effect of eating raw meat. After the discussion, they recommended that I mention the topic here on A4P’s Facebook page. So, here we go.

Well, do you know eating raw meat can be a risk factor for erectile dysfunction (ED)? Yes, it is. Continue reading Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.

Weight Gain and Sexual Intimacy

I was not overweight before I got married. After I had my two kids, I gained more than 20 pounds and I am still struggling to lose but nothing seems to work. My major problem though is my embarrassment before my husband. I feel like he doesn’t like me anymore because of the extra pounds I put on especially around my belly. I feel so unattractive. I feel exposed whenever I think of sexual intimacy. My husband repeatedly told me that he doesn’t care. Does weight gain affect sexual intimacy? What do I need to do to feel good about myself and enjoy my intimate moments with my husband as I used to?”

Very interesting question! Continue reading Weight Gain and Sexual Intimacy

When God Surprises the Prodigal Son With His Beautiful Gift

“What is special about this girl that I keep on being drawn in to” was the question he raised to himself after he tried to call her for the third time in one day.

“Is she ignoring my call or is she not interested to talk to me?” He didn’t like the fact that he was on the other side of the equation, the one who was being ignored.

He said to himself, “Whatever! She’s a girl; she will call me back. Let me ignore her.” But the truth of the matter is, he noticed something in her that he hasn’t seen in any other girl. And he knew that she wouldn’t call him if he didn’t keep trying.

“Wow, she is very different” he said to himself. And he said, “Maybe I’m just exaggerating things. She is not that different from other girls.” But still there was that nagging curiosity which made him subject to stare at his phone for a long period of time, waiting to see her name popping up as her call came in. Continue reading When God Surprises the Prodigal Son With His Beautiful Gift

“Help! My husband says he doesn’t want sex anymore”

“The End” is a wonderful phrase at the end of a boring or, in my case, a scary movie.

In the flip side of it, I don’t like “The End” phrase especially at the end of “Tommy and Jerry” kinds of shows.

And when we come to a real life, don’t you think the invisible “The End” phrase comes up very soon after every good and memorable moment? Don’t you want to “pause” your life at your wedding dinner party or Honeymoon night, or at those exciting delivery room experiences of seeing your first child for the first time? Continue reading “Help! My husband says he doesn’t want sex anymore”

The most annoying things a wife does to her husband

Making every little disagreement or conflict a reason to avoid sex.

That is just crazy! Sister, pouting just before bedtime is not romantic at all. Do you know what he is saying when he looks at your “long face”? Well, you know it but let me tell you. He says to himself, “Here we go again!” Brush it all of and learn to let go and to wisely pick your fights.

Asking him to remember what outfit she was wearing last weekend. Continue reading The most annoying things a wife does to her husband

The most annoying things a husband does to his wife and the solutions

Talking on the phone with the person his wife is not getting along with; not only talking but laughing and enjoying the conversation while his wife sits next to him.

Irritating! Bro, why do you even answer the phone? Call them later when you are outside the house.

Telling his wife “to chill” while the house is a mess. Continue reading The most annoying things a husband does to his wife and the solutions