What is it? It is a series of three erotic romance novels! They are called: Fifty Shades of Grey; Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.
I am not sure if you already heard my message I gave on the Berea teleconference last Saturday or a week earlier. But if you did, you should have heard me mentioning these books. Well, I said few words about these books in the context of parenting; so that parents would save their daughters from these novels.
Well, today I want to warn everybody about these novels because a movie is made on the Fifty Shades of Grey and it coming out in theaters across America on a day before the Valentine’s Day.
The trilogy has only three years of history. That means the trilogy came out within three years time frame. Within these three years, it won the market in a way that made it second to the Bible by the number of sell (100 million copies are sold so far). Can you just imagine what that means? Continue reading “Fifty Shades Trilogy”→
Well, you know that I don’t like cold weather and snow. So, I’m not that much excited about winter season.
However I have one reason to be very excited about this season and that reason is our church’s yearly premarital class. This class is given every year from Jan to April for soon to be married couples. This is my seventh year to teach in this wonderful class.
I am thrilled to tell you that this year we have thirteen couples! And let me tell you something, the brides are the most beautiful girls you can ever find. I have no idea where these young men found these cute girls. If you want to learn something from these handsome men as to how to find a cute girl, you can come and ask them, I think. Continue reading 2015 Premarital Class→
A4P Guest: . . . . If a couple can’t be together to have sex because of immigration problem, why don’t they use Skype? Instead of burning from sexual desire and be tempted to . . . in this way they can protect each other . . . . When you do not know in what situation this couple is, how can you judge them for using Skype as their sexual outlet? Do you think they prefer to do it on Skype? I think the problem is this: We have hard time to understand others’ problem when we do not experience the problem ourselves . . .
01/22/1973 – The day America legalizes abortion in all fifty states – so far 56 million babies lost their lives in America; that means 137 babies an hour.
I love to hear the truth about abortion only from women who went through it because they judge nobody; they just tell what it is; as it is.
As always Focus on the Family ministry had a wonderful radio show today and I heard it on my phone since I was busy when they aired the program. I already shade my tears with these wonderful women and it is now your turn. Here is the link:
Making our lives as an open book to our brothers and sisters in Christ, praying, reading and meditating the Word of God and hiding it in our hearts and minds will keep us all from danger.
As the Word sharpens our mind and spirit, we become wise enough to seek only that which brings life, joy, peace and rest to our soul, spirit and body.
That is what the Bible calls “WISDOM.”
Listen how the Word of God advises a young man to use WISDOM to stay away from adultery: Continue reading WISDOM!→
It really feels good to be the center of my husband’s attention. I was away for sometimes (traveled to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) and I’m now here in Maryland.
Even if my Berhan doesn’t have a problem of “workaholism,” his work sometimes follows him home and I don’t like it. He comes home with his headphones on his ears and he whispers to me things like, “I’m in a meeting” or “Just give me few minutes.” And when that happens, it is hard for me to get his attention I so much crave to get.