Category Archives: Marriage

“I find it hard to trust my husband”

A4P Guest: I am married to my husband for three years now. We have a one-year old son. We both are born-again Christians. I love my husband very much, maybe more than life itself. I know he loves me. After we got married, he cheated on me with one of his ex-s and I forgave him because I think the girl set him up for it and it was hard for him to go out of the temptation. Now he spends most of his evening hours after he comes from work on Facebook chatting with one of his ex-s. I told him that I didn’t appreciate his relationship with any of his ex-s. Whenever I bring up this discussion, he always gets upset with me and says, “Why don’t you trust me? You always say you love me but why do you find it hard to trust me? I am just chatting with them as a friend.” I am praying but nothing seems to change. I know I have to forgive him for his past mistake because love doesn’t keep record of wrongs but for some reason I find it hard to trust him. What should I do? Continue reading “I find it hard to trust my husband”

“Am I Considered as a sexually Addicted Person?”

A4P Guest: “I’m a 29 year-old single woman. I have a problem of viewing porn and masturbation. I’m a born-again Christian and heavily involved in my church ministry. Am I considered a sexually addicted person or a person with a sexual sin problem?”

A4P: An excellent question!

Having sexual addiction problem and sexual sin problem are two different things but both are considered sinful before God. Sexual intimacy is considered holy before God ONLY when it occurs in a one-flesh relationship of one man and one woman who are married to each other. Continue reading “Am I Considered as a sexually Addicted Person?”

Change is a Rarity in the Man’s World!

Some girls believe that their man can change if they marry him. But that is a fantasy many women tend to believe.

The truth of the matter is a man doesn’t usually change.

There is one beautiful saying that goes like this:

“A woman marries a man thinking that he will change; but he will never change. A man marries a woman thinking that she will never change; but she will change.”

Made you think, didn’t it? Continue reading Change is a Rarity in the Man’s World!

Tomorrow Evening at the Berea Teleconference

Flyer Berea 03 09 2015

Join me tomorrow at the Berea teleconference special program at 8:30pm. It is going to be interview, not teaching.

One of the questions I may need to give an answer for is: “While you are a woman, why are you teaching in churches? Didn’t the Word of God say “Women should sit quietly” according to 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 & 1Timothy 2:11-15?”

I LOVE IT VERY MUCH! So, to those of you who have already dropped me those kinds of questions, I invite you to join me. Don’t miss it!

I can’t tell you how happy I am to address those kinds of politically incorrect topics because I believe most of the time those topics we shy away from have basic and fundamental truth in them. And as you all know, truth sets us all FREE! ALWAYS!

So, don’t forget to join me tomorrow, March 09, 2015 at 8:30pm. ///

P. S. Here is the Berea Teleconference Number: 712-432-5222 and access ID: 2484446#




Trying to Go Back to Maryland

I had a wonderful time with the San Francisco Addis Kidan Ethiopian and Eritrean Church!

My! My! My! Was the devil on my way? Yes, he was but that is half the story. Jesus was (and is) before me and behind me and He put my enemy to shame! Jesus strengthened me throughout the program; and I saw His Faithful move among His people as He revealed His truth through His spirit. Oh, how I love to be with Christ! Continue reading Trying to Go Back to Maryland

GPS of Our Life

GPS (the Global Positioning System) is a system that tells us where a certain address is located on this earth. We enter the address of our destination and the GPS will show us exactly how to get there. It gives us a step by step direction.

GPS has been around for sometimes now but haven’t you seen people who have GPS on their phone or car but don’t even know where they’re driving to? Continue reading GPS of Our Life

Treat Your Wife Like a Queen

I see the last A4P Tweet made some people a bit emotional and I want to say a word or two about that before others totally miss the message as well.

Here is the Tweet: “#‎Strive to treat, honor, respect and love your spouse like a king or queen so that you be ‪#‎right before ‪#‎God.”

Since “Treat your wife as a queen” is the one that makes some emotional, I will concentrate on that one but the main message is applicable to both.

When I read this tweet, which is by the way a clip from my message, it made me think this way: Wow, this tweet makes the Word of God easy for many of us to swallow it without seeking a glass of water or orange juice. Continue reading Treat Your Wife Like a Queen

Glad to be Different from My Husband

I am personally like to do things according to “the book” whether that book is my mother’s way of making bed or my communication class instructor’s way of presenting a speech. Throughout my school year, which is almost 90% of my life so far, I studied my books from cover to cover and do more study to get the highest grade possible. I used to study the whole night getting only two or three hours of sleep.

Well, my Berhan, on the other hand, has his own book to follow when it comes to doing life. When it comes to school, he doesn’t like to study. Period! The big issue his parents had with him when he was with them was that he didn’t like to spend time with his books as much as they wanted him to. However it is very hard to find in his grade report anything less than A. He is naturally brilliant. That was a mystery for his family, all his instructors, classmates and friends throughout his school years, from elementary back in Addis to university here in Maryland. Continue reading Glad to be Different from My Husband

Weekend to Remember Getaway

My husband and I came back yesterday afternoon from the three days “Weekend to Remember” getaway the Family Life Ministry hosted here in Baltimore, Maryland.

I don’t know if there is any word or phrase that can describe our experience.

We were overwhelmed throughout the program! Yes, we called it “a Mini-Honeymoon weekend”.

We were in the hotel for three nights but it felt like three minutes. We laughed, cried and were speechless many times; just looking at each other’s eyes without saying a word. Continue reading Weekend to Remember Getaway