A4P Guest: I’m a 36 year-old woman and I’ve been dating a man (38 years old) for a couple years now. We both are born again Christians. This year, I was expecting him to propose to me but he doesn’t even talk about marriage at all. I told him in several occasions how much I desire to get married. But he usually changes the subject and avoids it totally. What do you advise me to do?
A4P: I have few questions for you before I jump into answering your questions. So, what do you mean when you say you are dating a man? How do you define dating? How does dating look like in your relationship?
A4P Guest: I mean, just dating, nothing else. We see each other almost every day and we speak on the phone almost every night before we go to bed. Continue reading Dating and Marriage→
For those of you who are planning to come to the Denver program I’m going to have this weekend, here is the flyer the church has prepared.
If you have a teenager, please send them over for the Saturday whole day program. We are going out of the city for the whole day! It is going to be a fun time!
If you are married, don’t miss the Sunday afternoon program. Your marriage won’t be the same again because I saw it many times for me to conclude that God loves to invite Himself in all marriage conferences. He will touch you and your marriage. ///
– – – to deal with the evil spirit when he strikes is by running to the True Shepherd of our soul, Jesus Christ; by seeking Him day and night as a deer pants, desires and seeks for the water! (Psalm 42:1; James 4:8)
After all, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! He is the Bread of Life! (John 14:6a, John 6:35 & 48) Without Him, there is no eternal life because He said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6b ///
God opened yet another door for Missy and Appeal for Purity Ministry (A4P) to minister His people!
Venue: Addis Kidan Evangelical Church
We’re so much excited! All praises, honors and glories be to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ!
Missy will be ministering to teens, singles, married couples and whole congregation. Please pray for all involved in this program.
You don’t want to miss this program if you are in Colorado. Make sure you invite someone out there to come and join us in worshiping the Most High God.
Don’t you sometimes, secretly, wish if the Book of Ephesians chapter 5 goes up to verse 34 and says something like: “Husbands, when your wives come to you with a problem, don’t try to SOLVE their problem unless they specifically ask for it. Just LISTEN to their heart.” (I know the Bible is complete; I’m just saying)
You see, most men are naturally wired to solve a problem. When their wives come to them with a problem, they jump to solve it disregarding their wives’ heart; what their wives are really saying.
A4P Guest: “- – – It’s a beautiful list of things we all should practice in our marriage and some in any relationship. I agree that we should work – hard for – good things to come to us, marriage is not an exception. We all know as well that “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.” Proverbs 19:14. The point I am trying to make is this: a marriage that is not from the Lord will never work despite the practice of the things you listed. A marriage “that fell on us from Heaven” also won’t work if we don’t practice the list; and a marriage that is not approved by heaven won’t work no matter what we exercise the list. My view, correct me if I am wrong.” Continue reading A Comment on the post – “Characteristics of a Good Marriage Worth Copying”→
Happy Easter to all of you from us, Appeal for Purity Ministry!
What a day to go to church!
Yes, Jesus is risen! He is the reason for the season! He is the reason for us to be here today!
Oh, Jesus is the reason for me personally to be alive today and write this! Because of Jesus Christ, I live, move and have my being! (Acts 17:28) May all the glory, praise, honor, power, worship be to our risen Lord, Jesus Christ! ///
We all know that good marriages won’t just come from heaven and fall on us.
We make them!
We can’t say, “I’m just unlucky to be in this marriage” because there is no luck with good marriages; only hard work. From my personal experience, this is the one thing I’ve noticed in all good marriages: There are two people who diligently work hard towards making their marriage better everyday.