Category Archives: Marriage

“Are you asking me to stop being a human being?”

I was seeing someone off at the airport like eight years ago. Then I met one guy who got married like a month ago. So, I asked him about his honeymoon and how marriage had been treating him so far.

While he was telling me about his wife and all, one gorgeous woman came down the escalator we were standing next to. I looked at her and she was pretty. Of course, he stopped talking and gave her a long look. Then I waited until he was done staring; but I was standing there wishing he wouldn’t turn to follow her after she passed us. Continue reading “Are you asking me to stop being a human being?”

“Beyond the Fairy Tale” – Book Trailer!

When I received the shipment from my publisher, I opened the first box and fell on the floor. It was like a childbirth kind of experience. I took out one book, kissed it many times and I wanted to cry but at the same time I wanted to shout and laugh! I held my book tightly close to my heart and fell before my God and my Lord who saw me through the tough road of writing a book. It was a long and at times very trying journey but through it all, God stood with me saying, “Fixed your eyes on Me and keep going!” Continue reading “Beyond the Fairy Tale” – Book Trailer!

True Love Knows . . .

Growing up, I used to love to read and hear romantic stories. And from all the stories I heard, one particular true story stayed with me for a long period of time. So, the story of this man and his woman used to be the topic of everybody’s coffee time discussion. And I love to hear about them. This man, as they said, “loves his girlfriend so much that if any man decides to look at her, he will fight with that man. If she decides to say hi to any man, it doesn’t matter whether the man is her uncle or brother, he will put her in trouble.” So, wherever this couple goes, there is always a drama to tell. As a little girl, I used to sit and dream about having a “macho and loving man” like that guy standing next to me, because I thought that was the definition of love.

I mean think about it! As a little girl who didn’t have anyone to teach her how a girl should be loved and treasured by a man, I thought that was the most romantic relationship any girl can ever have with a man. So, I made a decision with myself to find that kind of man for myself. Continue reading True Love Knows . . .

Sexual Problem in a Marriage

A4P Guest: I’m married with one child.

A4P: Okay.

A4P Guest: We’ve been married for the last three years. Throughout my married life, I have never experienced any sexual pleasure.

A4P: What do you think is the reason?

A4P Guest: My husband asks me to do things which I feel very uncomfortable to do but I do it anyways for the sake of my marriage. And I always carry with me this heavy burden in my heart that takes away my sexual feelings and desires. I don’t pray anymore and I don’t go to church that much often.

A4P: Did you try to communicate this with your husband? Did you tell him that you are not enjoying any part of the sex? Continue reading Sexual Problem in a Marriage

Mirrors I Adore

I am not sure how many mirrors you have in your house but in my house, you can find at least one mirror in every room. Well, let me take that back. Only those rooms I spend most of my time have mirrors.

Why? I love to look at myself! I don’t think it is sinful for a woman to look at herself in the mirror to take care of herself; to keep herself neat, clean and beautiful. My husband is my number one motivator to take care of myself because he compliments me. I mean after all, I’m his bride; I’m his crown (Proverbs 12:4); I’m his glory (1 Corinthians 11:7). So I better look pretty for him.

And my mirrors usually help me to earn, a “You look pretty Baby” kind of compliments from my loving husband. You have no idea how I love to hear those words from him! Duh! He is the only man I want to impress every day! Continue reading Mirrors I Adore

It is free!

I don’t know about you but for me I love the word “free!” It is just attractive. When they say, “Come and get this for free!” I run for it. And after living in America for over twenty years now, doing so is just absurd especially knowing that “there is nothing free in America.”

But when you really think about it, in America, it seems like we get for free everything we mostly want to get. Do we pay to have a Facebook account or a page? No! Do we pay to our email service provider? No! Do we pay for the YouTube video shows, comedies and movies we watch? No! I mean the list goes on and on.

If you are a logical thinker, you may say, “I pay for my Internet connection and WiFi.” But compare to what you get out of it, you are paying closer to nothing. Continue reading It is free!

The Opposite of Love

If I ask you, “What is the opposite of love?” and if you are like me, you will definitely say, “Duh! The opposite of love is hate!”

I know! I said that too when I read a similar question in one of those fantastic books on the topic of love. But I guess there is more to the opposite of love than we think and imagine.

So, before I state the obvious, let me define the word “hate.” One of the dictionary definitions of the word “hate” is this: “to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.”

Well, this feeling of intense dislike and extreme aversion will lead one to commit murder. Hate is like one step away from taking out the gun and shooting the person. That is why according to the Word of God, hate is equal to murder: “ Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer . . . ” (1 John 3:15) Continue reading The Opposite of Love

Homosexuality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A4P Guest: Hello A4P, I’m a born again Christian and one of the leaders in our local church. I’m here in your inbox to bring something to your attention and ask you to help us in what we are trying to do. Homosexual communities from America and Europe are pouring out here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They give birr 150 (~$8) to public school teachers so that the teachers will teach students how people are born to be homosexuals and that being a homosexual is not different from being a heterosexual. So, we are putting together a flyer to call everyone to march against homosexuality here in Addis Ababa on a certain day. Would you please post that flyer on your page so that many will join us on that day?

A4P: Let me ask you few questions before I address your question: Continue reading Homosexuality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia