Category Archives: Marriage

Happy Two Year Anniversary to Appeal for Purity!

You have no idea how excited I’m right now. Yes, God is faithful to seeing me through the thick and thin of life these past two years. There were not easy times by no means but they were wonderful and fulfilling. Wow! Two years have gone by just like that! Time indeed flies, doesn’t it?

May the Name of Jesus Christ be praised forever! Well, guys, thank you for hanging out with me and thank you for all your support, encouragement and love.

I’m asking everyone who is benefiting from this ministry to support this ministry in every way  you can so that the message of this ministry will reach the end of the earth.  The rest of my message is on the video.

Again, happy two year anniversary to Appeal for Purity.

BTW, our website domain is not only .org but also .com and .net. (Make sure you check out our website.)

Have a blessed Saturday to all of you! ///

P. S. The English version of the above video will be uploaded soon!

Ten Signs of Domestic Violence and Abuse

  1. Accuse you of cheating and being disloyal?
  2. Make you feel worthless?
  3. Hurt you by hitting, choking or kicking you?
  4. Intimidate and threaten to hurt you or someone you love?
  5. Threaten to hurt themselves if they don’t get what they want?
  6. Try to control what you do and who you see?
  7. Isolate you?
  8. Pressure or force you into unwanted sex?
  9. Control your access to money?
  10. Stalk you, including calling you constantly or following you? (from the Safehorizon website)

Continue reading Ten Signs of Domestic Violence and Abuse

A God of Second Chance

She is very good at making people feel at home. Most people get attracted to her because she gives everything she has; her time, money or anything she can give. But one thing people don’t know about her is this: She gives everything she has because she is scared of being left alone.

As she quietly celebrated her 46th birthday in her townhouse, she turned the TV on and sat down across the TV. She didn’t even know why she turned it on because she was not watching. She was “zoomed out” to somewhere else. As if the TV was talking to her, reaching to the remote control, she said, “I don’t think you’ll be of any help for me today,” and she turned it off.

She wished if someone called and said, “Happy birthday! Let’s go out and have fun,” but who? Just few years ago, her phone used to ring every minute. Not anymore. Continue reading A God of Second Chance

Do Not Be An Enabler

A4P Guest: “Whenever my wife and I have a conflict, my wife sleeps on the sofa in the living room.”

A4P: When did she start doing that?

A4P Guest: From day one of our marriage. We’re now married for ten years and that is how she’s always been reacting to conflicts.

A4P: Why did you let her do that for ten years and what makes you think that she can change her ten year-old habit within a two-hour counseling session?

Take home message:  Don’t be an “enabler” of a wrong or bad habit of others. Make it a big deal the first time you see it so that it won’t continue happening. You make it a big deal because it is a big deal. ///

Part II of the Parent’s Seminar at Toronto, Canada

You know, I always say that I wish it could be possible to record God’s presence in a camera. But sitting down and watching this video more than four times, I realize that God’s presence is in fact always found in His Word whether His Word and truth come through a live seminar or a video clip. I find myself pretty much being overwhelmed by God’s presence and became in tears every time I watch this.

I pray God speaks to your heart and soul through the message.

The second session of this seminar was not recorded; that means I don’t have any more video clips of this seminar. ///

Keep Eve In the Grave

One Saturday afternoon, I bought a beautiful dress and couldn’t wait to show it to my husband. So after we put the kids to bed, I said “Okay, now let me show you my beautiful dress I bought today.”

So I wore the dress and said “Okay, here we go.”

I thought he would say “Oh, My, you look beautiful.” But he kept quiet for one full minute which felt like one hour for me. Continue reading Keep Eve In the Grave

The Boundary Line

God created sex only in the context of marriage. The boundary line of beautiful, healthy, fulfilling and satisfying sex is called marriage. Outside the blessed union of one man and one woman, sex is a wildfire.

“Can a man scoop fire into his lap
without his clothes being burned?
Can a man walk on hot coals
without his feet being scorched?
So is he who sleeps with another man’s wife;
no one who touches her will go unpunished.” (Proverbs 6:27-29) Continue reading The Boundary Line

Sexual purity starts at the eye

When we know how to take control of our eyes, we can be in a good shape to take control of our actions; what our body parts choose to do. If we lose the battle at our eyes, we lose the battle that is waging against our whole body and we get stuck in all sorts of destructive habits and lifestyles.

Jesus said, ““The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”                   (Matthew 6:22-23) ///

P. S. Don’t forget to “Subscribe” to the Appeal for Purity YouTube channel.