Marriage is a covenantal institution of one man and one woman. This institution is not one of man’s inventions. It is created by God Himself. This is one of the basic truths of God we always need to remind ourselves. Continue reading For An Honorable Man
Category Archives: Marriage
A Foolish Person
Literal dictionary meaning of the word “a fool” is “a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.” Continue reading A Foolish Person
Very Marry Ethiopian Christmas!
You see, there is after all a good side to be an Ethiopian immigrant. You get to celebrate two Christmas holidays a year. Yep! Continue reading Very Marry Ethiopian Christmas!
“My Husband Doesn’t Want Sex”
Phew! Is today December 24th? My! My! Time flies! Continue reading “My Husband Doesn’t Want Sex”
Antidote for Destructive Anger
Sin entered our planet once Adam and Eve chose to disobey their Creator (Genesis 3). After that every human being has been conceived and born into this world in sin, being a sinner from birth, including you and me. Continue reading Antidote for Destructive Anger
Don’t Divorce Your Spouse!
When a person thinks of divorcing his/her spouse, the one thing, I think, they should to ask themselves is this: Am I planning to get a divorce thinking that “I got the wrong 🍎,” and I need to get busy to find that Right One?
If so, you’re totally wrong! Let me explain! Continue reading Don’t Divorce Your Spouse!
Anger Destroys Marriage
We don’t need to look too far to find an angry person, do we, I mean, sometimes, all we need is to just look at ourselves, right? Continue reading Anger Destroys Marriage
“Go, Call Your Husband”
I love reading the word of God! Yes, I do! And it is very hard for me to pick one favorite story of the Bible because I think I love them all equally. Continue reading “Go, Call Your Husband”
It is easy to receive forgiveness when we desperately seek it, right?
If God is the One we wronged, we quickly go to Him and ask His forgiveness. Then as His word says, we feel FREE from the guilt and condemnation of sin.
“If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:8-9 NASB Continue reading Forgive!
Not a Kind Of Man I Wanted To Marry
A4P Guest: I think I am married with the man you described in your post yesterday.
A4P: Uh-oh! What kind of man did you read in my post yesterday?
A4P Guest: My husband grew up with his mother and two of his younger sisters. And reading through your post yesterday, I thought for a second that you were writing about my husband.
A4P: Phew! But I was not, praise God! Continue reading Not a Kind Of Man I Wanted To Marry