Category Archives: Marriage

The Story Behind the Picture

Me & Abel 1999

As a young bride who had no mentor in her life, I used to struggle with the feeling of independence. Whenever my Berhan (my husband) suggested something that didn’t agree with mine, I would say, “Oh, well, that is what you think; and this is what I think and I will do it my way and you can do it your way. I don’t need to listen to you and I don’t need your approval for doing it on my own way.”
Talk about being a knucklehead, I was “it” in full measure.

Continue reading The Story Behind the Picture

“Isn’t suffering a ground for divorce?”

A4P Guest: I’m 35 years old and my wife is 30. We’ve been married five years. She was my first one and I’m her first. I’m miserable now. I feel like I waited so long for nothing because my wife doesn’t satisfy me in the bedroom and I don’t enjoy my marriage at all. I’m suffering. Isn’t suffering a ground for divorce? Do you think God wants me to stay in this marriage where I suffer day and night?
A4P: I believe with all my heart that God wants you to stay in your marriage because God didn’t design marriage to make you happy but holy, just like Christ. That means, suffering comes with “the package” called marriage.

Continue reading “Isn’t suffering a ground for divorce?”

Thank you For Letting My Voice Being Heard

A4P Guest: “I’m 30 years old with two little children, and I’ve been married for the past five years. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul and mind. I want to live and die for Him alone. I know that the life I live now is a temporary one, not a permanent one. Knowing this truth helps me to consider my present sufferings and pains lightly. I met my husband at one of my family’s gatherings. He came to the party with one of my uncles. To make a long story short, I decided to marry him within a year thinking that I was in love with him; I think I was. I knew all along that my husband was around 18 years older than me but I didn’t care that much about it. Everybody advised me to revise my decision but I listened to nobody, not even to my mom. I also once overheard one of his friends say to him,

Continue reading Thank you For Letting My Voice Being Heard

My Girl is Younger than me

A4P Guest: Is it wrong for me to marry a girl who is younger than me?
A4P: What do you mean? I’m glad you picked a girl who is younger than you. I think that is how it should be, should it not?
A4P Guest: I know but the girl I am dating now and deciding to marry is much younger than me.
A4P: How much younger?
A4P Guest: She is 24 years old.
A4P: That is a wonderful age for a girl to get married. Good for her! How old are you?
A4P Guest: I’m 41 years old.

Continue reading My Girl is Younger than me

Real freedom comes with boundaries

I did this video last year but for some reason I’m thinking of Galatians 5:1 & 13 today and I thought this might be a good message to pass along to you today.

Remember, freedom comes with boundaries; including the freedom we have in Christ. Freedom without boundaries are called enslavement or bondage. ///

P. S. One correction on this video: 1 Corinthian 6:18 (not 6:8)




Most husbands struggle to say – – –

Most husbands struggle to say – – –

– – – “I’m sorry.”

Why? Well, one reason is that they don’t see their fault as clearly as their wives see it. So, acknowledging their faults by saying “I’m sorry” when in fact they believe they didn’t do anything wrong would be the most unreasonable and absurd thing for them to do. So, they refuse to say it.

The other simple reason is, they just don’t want to say “I’m sorry” because they are not accustomed to saying that simple statement before they got married. Continue reading Most husbands struggle to say – – –

Cast Your Bread on What?


This is just to reiterate on my latest post, “My Wedding Date is set.”

But, first, let me say this: You have no idea how delighted I was when I opened up the page and read all the comments on my last post.

Your respectful tone and candid way of expressing your agreements/disagreements with the post are unparalleled and I applaud you all. Your spiritual and mental maturity was on a display for all to see. I learn a great deal from each comment; thank you!

I believe with all my heart that this is the only way we, the body of Christ, can learn from one another and grow into the fullness of Him who called us into His Kingdom. Continue reading Cast Your Bread on What?