Category Archives: Marriage

Marriage Counseling on Skype

I don’t know how many of you know this but I do “marriage counseling” on Skype. I began giving this service a couple years ago and it’s been working perfectly for me and the people I serve. This service is only available to those who live in America, Europe and Australia because there is fee for the service and the payment can only be processed online through the PayPal mobile pay service. Here are the two letters from the people I counseled recently and in the process of counseling:
From Denver, Colorado
“We were so blessed to have Skype counseling with Dr. Missy. First, it was in the convenience of our home & we didn’t have to go anywhere. The Skype counseling was as if we were in one room with her. For someone, like my husband, who was hesitant to seek counseling, Skype counseling was the best choice for us.

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Today is our 19th Wedding Anniversary

Yes, today, Sunday, March 27, 2016, is Easter and today marks my 19th wedding anniversary with my Berhan (my husband). Praise the LORD!
Yes, I’m still in London, worshiping God with wonderful people of God. And today, I made a three-minute long video of “Happy Anniversary” greetings to my Berhan in front of the Sunday church congregation. I was planning to share that clip with you all but unfortunately there is some technical problem with the video.
As soon as the problem gets fixed, I sure share the clip with you.

Continue reading Today is our 19th Wedding Anniversary

Who Should Prime the Pump?

When a husband receives respect from his wife, he finds it very easy to love his wife. In the same way, when a wife receives unconditional love from her husband, respecting and honoring her husband becomes her second nature.
But, for this biblical love-respect principle to work in a marriage, somebody has to “prime the pump” first.
Who? A husband or a wife?
One of them who is spiritually more matured and the one who loves Christ more will do. ///

Discuss the Issue like Adults

Divorce may loom on the horizon if the following four ways of dealing with conflicts mark your marriage:

  1. Silent treatment – ignoring each other for days, months and even years
  2. Exchanging disrespectful words – calling names
  3. Gossiping about each other to others, especially to family members
  4. Sleeping on a separate bed (bedrooms)

When conflict erupts in your marriage, sit around the table and discuss the issue like adults. If you can’t do that, invite someone else to come in between; and it would be great if that someone is not related to you or your spouse and that you both feel comfortable to talk to. ///

Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin

They “WAITED” to have sex until marriage and they wrote a book called, “WAIT.”

Well, two of my good Facebook friends have dropped me this couple’s interview in my inbox on different days and I decided to share one of their interviews with you all today. (Thank you my friends!)

Pastor Franklin, he was 22 years old when he decided to wait for marriage and he stayed away from sex for ten or eleven years. But before that, he was sexually active and he was in porn too (you can find that on the interview they gave to Fox News 5). Continue reading Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin

Wedding is not marriage

Wedding is a ceremony, and marriage is a ministry. These two are very different things. Wedding is a one-day deal and after that, it is gone, done, finished, “finito”! Whereas marriage, it is a lifetime commitment.
Here in America, “50 billion dollars a year is spent only for wedding ceremonies. One million copies of bridal magazines are sold each month” (from “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” – by Parrott and Parrott).
Regardless of people spending billions of dollars on their weddings, one out of two marriages are still ending in divorce.
Hmm! It made you think, didn’t it?

Continue reading Wedding is not marriage

Seeing the Don’ts in light of the Do’s

All the “don’ts” in the Bible are there to make all the “do’s” the ultimate source of joy, peace, rest, pleasure and contentment.
Let’s see one quick example regarding sexual fulfillment:
Do’s: “May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
A loving doe, a graceful deer—
may her breasts satisfy you ALWAYS,
may you ever be INTOXICATED with her love.”
(Proverbs 5:18-19 – capitalization is mine)
Don’t: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
(Matthew 5:28-29)

Continue reading Seeing the Don’ts in light of the Do’s