Category Archives: Marriage

Practical Advice

A4P Guest: I’ve been married for a couple years now and my husband enjoys more to chat with girls on Facebook than to sit and talk to me. I tried to talk to him but this issue becomes the most sensitive issue for him to deal with. I tried to talk to him last week and from that day on, he’s been sleeping in the living room. What do I need to do?
A4P: Is this how he always deals with conflicts, sleeping in the living room instead of dealing with the issue?

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Dating/Marrying An Unbeliever

From all the things God commanded His people, the Israelites, this one command got my attention last week:

“Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together.” (Deuteronomy 22:10)

Okay, I clearly understand those commands such as, “Don’t kill” and “Don’t do adultery”; but “don’t yoke an ox and a donkey” command kind of got me a bit confused. Continue reading Dating/Marrying An Unbeliever

Submit to who? To my husband?

When a woman submits to her husband’s leadership, she paves the way for the Holy Spirit to take over her husband’s heart (1 Peter 3:1). And when the Holy Spirit takes over her husband’s heart, guess what “the probable” outcome will be? Genesis 1:2 says, “the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” – Continue reading Submit to who? To my husband?