Category Archives: Marriage
“Hey Baby, Let’s Go Out For Dinner”
Do you know that most of us wives want our husbands to read our minds?
Yes, we do. The funny part, at least for me, is this: We usually don’t know that we are demanding our husbands to read our minds. Let me give you one simple example to show you how this reality plays out on a day to day life.
A wife plans to have a date night with her husband and plans out the details. She doesn’t tell him that she is thinking about it. Then one night as they go to bed, she suggests: “Hey Baby, let’s go out for dinner tomorrow night, alone, without our kids.” Continue reading “Hey Baby, Let’s Go Out For Dinner”
“Mom, Do You Know – – -“
Last Thursday, my little one, Biruk Banko (14 years old) asked, “Mom, let’s watch the Cosby Show before they come.”
Who are “they?”
His older siblings. Continue reading “Mom, Do You Know – – -“
“Excited” is an understatement!
The first Married Couples Seminar to be hosted by Appeal for Purity Ministries at the Sheraton Silver Spring Hotel.
Praise the LORD!
You have no idea how excited I’m. My soul blesses my Lord and my Savior for helping me realize the vision I believe He put in my heart a long time ago. Continue reading “Excited” is an understatement!
Not Tonight, Dear, I’ve a Headache
You’re Thirsty Doesn’t Mean
A Direct Reflection Of Our Spiritual Lives
Our marriages are a direct reflection of our spiritual lives.
When the Word commands how a wife needs to be in her marriage, it reads like this: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husband” and it doesn’t stop there. It says, “Submit to your husbands as you do to the LORD”. And the Word commands husbands this way: “Husbands, love your wives” and, again, it doesn’t stop there. It persists on saying, “just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”. (Ephesians 5:21-33) Continue reading A Direct Reflection Of Our Spiritual Lives
A Woman Pastor Refused to Step Down
Somebody’s shared this link with us today and I want to pass it along to you.