You know, I am now in a place where I am surrounded by so many people. While I am trying to interact with others, one thought keeps coming into my mind. This is not the first time this particular thought came to my mind. So while people here (I assume) are thinking that I’m texting someone, let me quickly leave this two cents worth of advice to newly young married couples.
One Saturday afternoon, some time ago, I bought a beautiful dress and couldn’t wait to show it to my husband. So after we put the kids to bed, I said “Okay, now let me show you my beautiful dress I bought today.”
Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate Christmas tomorrow.
This is a beautiful season but this same season because of the cloudy, cold and gloomy weather, can be a cause of a number of emotional disturbances for some people.
Whenever I feel down and doubt and unbelief get the best of me, I turn to my old journals. I sit on the floor in my walk-in closet and start reading, beginning from my oldest ones.
Oh, young people, I really advise you to journal your life. I believe with all my heart that God wants us to keep journal of our lives. You know why I said that?
Through the hard day of work, one thought carries most husbands and brings them home. That thought is this: “Sex is in store for me at the end of the day.”
After a husband finishes his task for a day, the one thought that remains with him is SEX! He is very happy that he is able to provide to his wife and kids but above all, he enjoys that sex is included in the package. Whether his day is good or bad, he loves to comfort his soul by saying things like, “Sex is in the menu.”
A4P Guest: “Missy, if you were single today, what would be the first three main characters you would be looking in a man?”
A4P: Wow! I love this question! Do you know why?
Well, I think I already told you this but one of the things I was looking for in a man when I was single, young and “st- -d” was “six-pack abs”, LOL! I know that is messed up!
A4P Guest: I’m a new mother. I gave birth to a cute boy; he is now seven months old. I was happy with my marriage until recently. I lost interest for sex. I know what you may think, postpartum depression PPD). I don’t know how to tell you this but I think my husband is having a problem when it comes to sex.