Have I ever told you how much I love my husband? Continue reading Nothing but a Disaster!
Category Archives: Marriage
Ask Yourself This Question
When we want to replace God, we tend to be nervous and restless all the time.
We go shopping but we don’t seem satisfied with the things we buy. We go out to have fun with others but at the end of the day, when we become alone, we get overwhelmed with this heart-wrenching and bone-crushing kind of loneliness and fear.
Many Marriages Fail Too Soon! But Why?
It is very sad to see marriages falling apart too soon, like in the first two years of marriage.
But why? Who do married couples decide to get a divorce before they even celebrate their second year anniversary?
Many reasons and here are some of them:
Trivial Reasons To Get Married
What are some of the trivial reasons people get married for?
Are You Single?
Are you single? Are you in the process of looking for that “perfect match,” a person who loves you to death, a person who cherishes and cares for you like nobody’s business?
Healthy Marriages
When we strive to make our marriages the way the word of God commands, we indirectly strive to raise healthy kids.
Ten Major Signs
The ten major signs of domestic violence and abuse reported on the Safe Horizon website are as follows:
Invest On Your Marriage, not Wedding!
A wedding is not a marriage! A wedding is a ceremony and a marriage is a ministry. These two are very different. A wedding is a one day deal and after that, it is gone, done, finished, “finito”!
Whereas a marriage, it is a lifetime commitment. Wedding and marriage have to be handled differently. Here in America, “50 billion dollar a year is spent only for wedding ceremonies. One million copies of bridal magazines are sold each month” (from “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” – by Parrott and Parrott). Continue reading Invest On Your Marriage, not Wedding!
Quick Reminder!
The conference here in Nashville, TN starts tonight at 6:30pm with 18 and older single people.
Annoying Things Husbands do to Their Wives
* Talking on the phone with the person his wife is not getting along with; not only talking but laughing and enjoying the conversation while his wife sits next to him.
Irritating! Bro, why do you even answer the phone? Call them later when you are outside the house.
* Telling his wife “to chill” while the house is a mess.
Bro, your wife can’t chill while her house is a mess. Instead, give her a hand to clean it up and she will teach you how to chill out!