Marriage is created by God. God is the Author of marriage.
If we believe that, then we need to believe that it is the word of God who can tell us what marriage is and how marriage should be done. Continue reading Marriage Online
Marriage is created by God. God is the Author of marriage.
If we believe that, then we need to believe that it is the word of God who can tell us what marriage is and how marriage should be done. Continue reading Marriage Online
It is always good to respect our in-laws. Calling them “family-in-love” and in other better names won’t do us any good unless we face the reality of life and facing the challenge head on! Continue reading How to Live with In-Laws
Many marriage experts agree that no one can have a perfect marriage.
Duh! We all are imperfect people and when two of us come together, we can’t create a perfect life.
Okay, that is like one of those “no brainer” facts. But do you know that many marriage experts (means, people who spend most of their days studying about marriage) agree that there are only two kinds of marriages, good or bad? Continue reading Good Or Bad?
I just came back from the nearby mall. Don’t you love to go to the mall? I do! I sometimes go there just to walk and do window shopping. I am sure many of you women are like me. If not, you are lucky and if you are married, your husband is blessed to have you for you save lots of money.
Anyways, as I left the mall and walked to my car, a guy walked into the mall. Continue reading “Are You Interested for an Affair?”