Category Archives: Marriage
Asking Apology Won’t Kill Anyone
Asking apology won’t kill anyone but we need to know few things about asking apology and forgiveness. Continue reading Asking Apology Won’t Kill Anyone
Perfect Diagnostic Test
Advice to A Newly Wed Bride
I Like My Husband
A One-Day Deal!
We Wives Need To – – –
I was outside the whole day and I came home being emotionally, physically and mentally totally drained. I tried to finish something and I was not successful. I had a conversation with someone and it didn’t go well. Somebody got on my last nerve and I tried to get even and I lost the fight, big time. My “Things to Do List” was not even touched by the time the sun went back to her home.
Peace? Are you serious? I didn’t even know how to spell it let alone to have it in my heart! Joy? Forget it! Do I need to say I was mean-spirited and sensitive even to be looked at? Nah! Continue reading We Wives Need To – – –
Rules! Rules! Rules!
Rules matter especially for us moms!
Yes, I got this mug the other day and put in the middle of the kitchen island table for all “people” in this house to see! Continue reading Rules! Rules! Rules!
They Shall Become One
The Bible says, “- – – a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24 NIV)
The key word here is “become” – shows “a process,” to be “one.” Continue reading They Shall Become One
I Don’t Need Google!