A4P Guest: I got married a couple years ago. My husband and I are Christians. My husband is a nice man and everything. I was in love with him but these days, I don’t feel any attraction towards him and it is bothering me. I don’t like to come home from work so I won’t be alone with him. Would you please help me?
A4P: Were you in love with him when you married him?
The most life threatening environment for a man to live in is a house where the presence of a mean-spirited wife is felt everywhere.
First, he fights to win; then he quickly understands that he has little or zero chance to win. So, he totally withdraws (tends to watch soccer or football a lot or becomes a politician and/or a philosopher). Then he checks himself out from his kids’ life and at last he desires only one thing, to die. Continue reading “I am not mean”→
“The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18
A suitable helper or “a helpmate” in the Hebrew word is Ezer Kenegdo and guess what that translates in to: A LIFESAVER.
No wonder divorced men die quicker than the men who stayed in their marriages. Remarriage doesn’t change the life expectancy of a divorced man. The only thing that is better for a man to do in this life is, first, to find a woman to marry, and second, decide to live with her until he dies.
They say, “Men love sex and that is where it starts and ends for them.”
I know, I once thought that too. Some researchers didn’t want to waste their time either when they agree with that and say it is “self-explanatory” as if that was the definition of being a man.
So, since his puberty, a man is beaten up with a message such as this one: “You are here on this planet for one thing only: To have sex. All you need in life is sex. If you don’t get that, you are going to be less of a man. So, do whatever you can to keep your manhood.” Continue reading Adam Knew His Wife→
Thank You, LORD, for giving me another day to come to You in prayer. May Your Name be blessed forever!
I have received many good and perfect gifts from You, LORD. LORD Jesus, You died for me; so I might live for You. You became sin for me so I might be God’s righteousness. Thank You, LORD Jesus!
I also thank You for giving me a husband, with whom I am becoming one. I don’t deserve to have him as a husband but You gave him to me anyways. So, thank You.
Did I get your attention? I hope I did. Yes, it is always good to know the word of God so we can know when we hear it wrongly or falsely. Continue reading Her Husband’s Crown→
A4P Guest: My fiance and I are going to get married at the end of this year. I am very excited but there is something that is bothering me.
A4P: Congratulations! Wow! It must be exciting! Okay, let’s hear what is bothering you.
A4P Guest: You know, when I shared this issue with some people, they thought that my issue is so minor that I shouldn’t even worry about it. I don’t know if you read one wonderful book called “The Five Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman.
I consider myself totally blessed by God when I teach young couples about marriage. Oh, my! I feel so grateful and thankful for getting a chance to invest in the lives of young couples.
Now I am in the process of giving premarital counseling to a beautiful “soon to be married” young couple and the topic for today was finance and how to peacefully live with in-laws. Continue reading Money As Number One Cause→
A4P Guest: I am very stressed to the point of thinking of leaving my husband.
A4P: Wow! Leaving your husband? That is not good. What is going on?
A4P Guest: I hope you understand me. So, my husband and I have three boys. I work day and night to give to my boys a better life. My husband, on the other hand, doesn’t do a thing.