A4P Guest: I am married and have two little kids, 4 and 6 year olds. A couple years ago, my husband and I, both Christians, had a big problem in the area of communication. During that time, I think my youngest child was two, I fell in love with a guy I had known at my work area and made a big mistake. I slept with him and I knew right away that I would get pregnant. I hadn’t had any sexual relationship with my husband during that time. So, I knew that I was pregnant from the other guy. I broke up with the guy the next day and he moved to another state. Then within few weeks, I found out that I was pregnant. Continue reading “My Husband Doesn’t Know”
Category Archives: Marriage
Keep Your Wedding Ring
Why do some married women take off their wedding rings whenever they have a fight with their husbands?
You know, I really don’t have any clue.
With all the innocence and ignorance about marriage that I bought with myself into my marriage, the one silly mistake I am not guilty of so far is taking off my wedding bands.
Well, not so fast! Continue reading Keep Your Wedding Ring
One of Its Kind
They said life is a journey.
They also said, “marriage is a lifetime school of discipline,” where you will finish all the required courses when you take your last breath.
Hmm! Different, isn’t it? Continue reading One of Its Kind
Sex Is Not A Burger
“For the sake of my kids!”
Divorce? Why?
Marriage between one man and one woman is the story of God, not the story of man. It is very easy for us to forget this especially when we find ourselves in a marriage, in the middle of a conflict. Continue reading Divorce? Why?
Meaning of “Tough Love”
A4P Guest: I’m a mother of three little kids (8, 6 and 5 years old). I’ve been married with my husband for the last 10 years. To make a long story short, I’m in hell. I’m crying right now. It is hard for me to write the condition I’m in. My husband doesn’t help me around the house. He doesn’t care about the kids. I do everything by myself. Continue reading Meaning of “Tough Love”
Wife’s submission to her husband
I agree that some people don’t like the word “submission,” especially when it is combined with, “to her husband.” Continue reading Wife’s submission to her husband
Heads Up To All Married Couples
This season is not the season to file a divorce!
You may ask, “Then what is a good season to file a divorce?”