I don’t want anybody to wake me up from my deep sleep.
Well, if somebody wakes me up from my sleep, I sure get that nasty migraine headache that doesn’t let me go for days. So, it is a no-no thing to wake me up from my sleep. My husband knows, so do my kids.
A4P Guest: I am 29 years old, soon to be 30. I came to the US 4.5 years ago. I was living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I was a member of one of the Emanuel branch churches. I was in the church prayer team. When I was 24, I was in love with someone but in one of our prayer meetings, one of the guys who pray in the group prophesied on me and said, “God said this to me to tell you that you shouldn’t continue with the guy you are seeing now. If you marry him, you will face lots of sufferings and heartaches.” So, I called the guy the next day and told him never to call me. Then one of my church members relative came from America for vacation and I met him in church. Then he asked me for marriage. I didn’t like him at all and I was not attracted to his look either. Continue reading “You Don’t Have Sex Experience”→
A4P Guest: Is sexual immorality the only biblical ground for divorce?
A4P: Before I answer your question, let me ask you this: Why are you asking me that question? Is it because you want to get biblical knowledge or is there a personal reason and if so, what is that reason? Continue reading My Husband Needs Counseling→
Thank you so much Appeal for Purity Facebook page followers for Liking and Sharing our picture that I shared with you yesterday. And thank you for your kind remarks as well.
I see that you liked our picture. Guess what? I like it too.
“Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.” 1 Peter 3:7 Continue reading Quick Advice to Husbands→
The word of God talks about two houses, one built on sand and the other one built on the rock (Matthew 7:24-27).
Those two houses was hit with the same rain and wind that beat against those two houses. The Bible tells us, the first house “did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Verse 25b But the second house “fell with a great crash.” Verse 27b