Category Archives: Marriage

Very Merry Christmas!

From my funny and goofy family to you!
What a day!


This family of mine, let me tell you, I love these beautiful people!

For those of you who don’t know us, the beautiful girl you see sitting in the middle is my only daughter, Lydia Banko (19), then from right to left, my honey bun, the man I am madly in love with, Berhan Banko (my husband), then my little one, Biruk Banko (17), then my older son, Abel Banko (21). Then poor me, Missy Banko.

Don’t miss the special message of my only daughter in the video. ///

Clueless Boys!

As many researches have shown these days, young girls, as young as 8 or 9, pursue clueless boys for sex aggressively. 
Why are the boys clueless?
Well, girls hit puberty at a very early age these days for various reasons as some researchers have shown, reasons such as, growth hormones being added to most foods we eat, the sexually saturated environment kids live in and more.

Continue reading Clueless Boys!