Category Archives: Marriage

Getting Your PhD on Your Wife

????you have no idea how I enjoyed listening to Focus on the Family daily radio show.
You know, I love to learn about men since I am not a man. And for some reason, I find it entertaining.
So, I want to share with you today what I heard today, the last Monday’s Focus on the Family radio show. Now they started making a YouTube video of the show, which is good.
If you are a husband of one wife, let me tell you something: YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THESE TWO AMAZING BROTHERS, Dr. Greg Smalley and Dr. Michael Smalley.
And if you are a wife of one man, you will enjoy listening to this.
By the way, these two brothers are sons of the late Dr. Gary Thomas Smalley (September 16, 1940 – March 6, 2016), the most amazing and interesting author and speaker on the topic of relationships, mainly marriage.
Can you imagine the joy of their father, looking at them from heaven as they carry on the legacy! I can only imagine!
You know what I like most about Smalley’s? They are funny! Please don’t miss the joke especially the one at the end of the first show (1 of 2, and 2 of 2).
I said, I guess I can say with a humble heart that my husband definitely got his PhD on me?. Find out what I mean by listening to the show. ///


“Knowing” a Girl or a Wife?

Eve has a description. It doesn’t just say, Adam knew a girl named Eve.

Are you kidding? Oh, no, the Word of God doesn’t say that! It says, “And Adam knew Eve HIS WIFE;” (Genesis 4:1a KJV – capitalization is mine)

“And” shows that there were necessary events that had to occur before Adam “knew” his wife (the girl had to be publicly declared as “his wife”) and the semi colon (;) shows that “knowing” (making love, NIV) is not the end in and of itself. There is more blessing following it, depending on at what stage “the knowing” occurs.

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