Category Archives: Marriage

My Mother-In-Law

A4P Guest: I’m married and have a one-year old son. I used to consider myself blessed to have the most peaceful marriage ever until my husband’s mother came from Ethiopia a year ago to help us with our first child.
A4P: What happened?
A4P Guest: My mother-in-law is a Christian, she loves God, prays a lot and all. But she pretty much wants to be the woman of the house. She criticizes my cooking, the way I handle my son and more. Her intention might be good but her action irritates me so much that I sometimes lock myself up in my bedroom for the whole day. I feel like leaving or ask her to leave the house.
A4P: Did you talk to your husband about this?

Continue reading My Mother-In-Law

How Can I change My Husband?

Early on in my marriage, my first mission as a wife was to change my husband.


I first wanted to make him love reading books, other than the books he reads for his work and the Bible. I mean, think about it. I can’t live without reading books but I married a man who lives happily ever after without reading books. So, I set out to change him, to teach him how to fall asleep reading good spiritual books.

So, I read one good marriage book (I am not sure which one) and I told my husband how the author talked about husbands and how much he, my husband, could learn from the book to be a good spiritual husband. I told him a lot about the book and the author when we were about to sleep. Continue reading How Can I change My Husband?

“I Found A Spiritual Man”

A4P Guest: I thought I found a spiritual man who loves Christ more than he loves me and married him three years ago. But right after the wedding, I realized that all the spiritual things I thought he had were nothing but fake. I now don’t even think that he is a believer in Christ. He is addicted to all sorts of Internet filthy stuff and he has no plan to deal with it. As he told me, he became addicted to this thing ten years ago. Had I known about this while we were dating, I wouldn’t have married him but there was no way for me to know that. And he didn’t tell me even if I shared with him everything about me. 

Continue reading “I Found A Spiritual Man”