Category Archives: Marriage

He Is A Muslim Guy

A4P Guest: I’m married and have a one-year old little baby girl. I am a born again Christian. Before I got married, I was in love with my husband and did everything to convince my friends and families that he was the one and I should marry him. I even said to them, God showed me many signs and even spoke to me to marry him (I guess that was a lie). But now, after living with him for three years, I know that I cannot live with him anymore and I need to leave him. Continue reading He Is A Muslim Guy

“But You Loved Me Anyway”

Sitting in the dark room, in the middle of the night, he began sweating as if he ran five miles. The question which kept on coming in his mind was, “How did I end up here?”

He grew up in the church. He knows more Bible verses than anybody else. Growing up, he was considered as one of the spiritual young men who could take the next pastoral position in the church. Even as a young lad, some people used to come and ask him to pray for them. Continue reading “But You Loved Me Anyway”

Liking the Person You Love

Loving someone and liking the same person you love are two totally different things. I mean those two terms are related but they are not synonymous. For instance, you may love someone but you may not like them to the point of spending the whole day and the whole night with them, savoring every moment. For example, you may love your dad but you may not want to spend the whole day with him. Continue reading Liking the Person You Love