Category Archives: Love

Issue of kissing, AGAIN!

"If I kiss my girlfriend, is that considered as a sin?"

Assuming that our common point of reference is the Bible, let’s see what the Bible says:

"- – -anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28 (notice the last word, "his heart" – Key word)

When a man looks at a woman he is not married to, he thinks about taking her clothes off and imagining her naked body and – – – (that is a short overview of lust in man’s brain, let me save you from the detail).

When a man lets his eyes wonder off and his heart and mind follow, the man is considered "adulterer" according to the Bible because the damage of sin has already been done to the soul (heart) of that person. Sin of adultery has already been committed at a spiritual realm, a realm you and I are called to know and worship God (John 4:24). (BTW, this is the main difference between the Old and the New Testament Law!)

Remember, the man didn’t even touch the woman when he is held responsible for a sin of adultery.

If seeing a woman lustfully is considered as “adultery” (dangerous sin which has a potential to wreck one’s future), how do you think exchanging saliva with a woman a man is not married to through kissing is considered as? As “holiness" or as “a different face of adultery?" I leave that question for you.

Remember, the issue here is not the actual pre-marital sex but the condition of the heart and mind of a person because one’s body is like a “robot.” It does what the heart and mind of the person instruct it to do so.

What does a man think when he kisses a girl he is not married to? How wonderful Matthew 5:27-28 verses are??? Or something else?

I leave that question for you too.

BTW, when a man kisses his woman, a woman he is married to, what goes on in his mind is not Matthew 5:27-28 but images of his wife’s naked body and how exciting the sex is going to be (and more, again I save you from the detail). And, that kind of thinking and imagining, my dear, is like a holy worship. Do you know why? Because it is the will and word of God for the man to be consummated in sexual intimacy with one woman he is married to. When the two become one, their sexual intimacy gets decorated by God’s presence. God’s presence in turn makes their sexual union pure and honorable (Hebrews 13:4) and fulfilling and pleasurable more than you can ever think or imagine (Song of Solomon 3).

This being so, don’t you think “Is kissing a sin” kind of question is nothing but baloney? ///

His Unchanging Love

Our little son is the one who usually comes up with a biblical question which makes our brains hurt.

“Is God fair?”

You may say, “Duh, God is always fair.” Well, if you say that, let me ask you this: If a plane crashes and a loving husband of one woman and a father of four little kids die but another loving husband of one woman and a father of two survived, is God fair for both families for the second family? Tricky! Tricky! Continue reading His Unchanging Love

“Are you tired?”

Through the hard day of work, one thought carries a husband and brings him home. That thought is this: “Sex is in store for you at the end of the day.”

After a husband finishes his task for a day, the one thought that remains with him is SEX! He is very happy that he is able to provide to his wife and kids but above all, he enjoys that sex is included in the package. Whether his day is good or bad, he loves to comfort his soul by saying things like, “Sex is in the menu.” Continue reading “Are you tired?”

Looking for a woman or what?

“It has been almost two years since I’m in the process of looking for a wife. So far I asked four girls. The first one never says “I love you” to me and I thought she is emotionless and left her. The second one, she is nice one day and the other day, she just ignores me. I couldn’t stand her mood swings. So, I broke up with her. The third one, she is not specific in what she wants. Continue reading Looking for a woman or what?

Different or the Same?

The Bible doesn’t classify and categorize sexual sins according to “hierarchy” or “scale of severity” but lists them in the same group.

For example, fornication (sex between unmarried people), adultery (sex outside the marital covenant), and homosexuality (sex between the same gender) are listed together (read Leviticus, 1 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians and more).

Continue reading Different or the Same?

When a girl first falls in love with a man

A4P Guest: “I am 22 years old and I am active in my church. I’ve never dated or been in love with a man before but now I think I am in love with a guy I’m ministering with. We are in the same ministry and I don’t think he is noticing me in that way. Last time, he took everybody’s number to give us all a call to remind us about our prayer meeting. He called me once and he never called me after that. I constantly think about him and I don’t know what I need to do. I don’t think he has the same feeling for me as I do for him. What should I do?” Continue reading When a girl first falls in love with a man

My Journal Entry of Monday, December 28, 2009 at 5:21am

Sometimes when I feel a little down or lose interest to pray and worship God or don’t want to do the work of God, I tend to go back to my journals and flip some pages and read. I just did that few minutes ago. God encouraged me as I read some of my entries from 2005.

Some of my entries go like this: God spoke to my heart saying, “this and that.” Oh, I can’t tell you how much those entries encourage me. Continue reading My Journal Entry of Monday, December 28, 2009 at 5:21am


Last Sunday, our senior pastor said, “This week is a week you bless everyone you run into. Or, call someone and when they pick up the phone, don’t even say “Hi” or anything. Just pour a blessing on them.”

I love it! So, this morning, I decide to bless you. Since A4P Facebook page fans are diverse, I want to write my blessing to a group of people:

To Married Couples: Continue reading Blessings!

A man in a Black Tuxedo

It is wonderful to watch a church wedding ceremony where the bride walks down the aisle, with her dad walking beside her. Everybody’s eyes including her husband to be are fixed on her.

The funny thing is: Have you ever been in the wedding where you vividly remember how the groom looked like? No, you won’t.

You may probably say, “Yes, I do remember. He wore a black tuxedo.”

Well, okay, let me prove you wrong then: How was his hairstyle?

Got you, didn’t I?

Yes, nobody pays attention to the groom. He is just boring. No earrings, no makeup, his clothes don’t fill the floor; his face is just bare and naked. What do you see? Nothing! There is nothing exciting about him. And that is how it should be!

But the bride is the one all eyes staring at. Just by looking at her, we can tell how good “a pursuer” the man in the tuxedo is. We can tell how “persuasive” he is to make this beautiful bride his.

With her decent and respectful smile, waving her hands to the people she recognized among the guests, she steals everyone’s attention.

“Wow, she is pretty,” people say. And they add, “Where did he find her?”

Why? The Bible says, his woman is his crown (Proverbs 12:4) and glory (1 Corinthians 11:7).

The black suit or the tuxedo the groom wears brings the truth of God to light; the one that says, “He gave Himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25-33).

She wears a white gown; which is a sign of not only sexual purity but a beginning of a brand new life. He wears a BLACK suit or a tuxedo because that day is the end of him; that day is the end of his life; it is somehow a “mourning day” which in a way is a “funeral service” for him. (And to tell you the truth, in light of the truth I just told you, I don’t know if I like to see a groom with a shiny white suit or tuxedo, with a design haircut. I mean, think about it!)

God created a man to be a fighter and a warrior who protects and rescues the women and children under his care or around his area. When he marries a girl, he is called to be a hero who EVERY DAY lays down his life for her and the kids as he provides and cares for and protects them.

There is only one girl given to him from the whole world for him to be one with. The rest of the women are his sisters in Christ to protect from any physical, emotional and mental danger. Can you just imagine then a man sleeping with his sister or taking advantage of her, breaking her heart as he leaves her to her own and using her for his sexual fantasies?

God forbid for any man in Christ to do such a thing!

God bestowed on a man an anointing to lead; to lead in truth, honesty and sexual integrity.

Lots of movie directors made countless movies where the hero kills all his enemies and recuses his woman to marry her at the end, for them to live “happily ever after.”

Well, I love to watch those kinds of movies where my favorite hero comes out of fire, or drops from the sky, alive, in one piece. I don’t want to cry; I want to laugh and say, “Oh, good! Thank God! I’m glad he didn’t die!”

But deep in my soul, I also adore to watch those movies where the hero, the main actor, the MAN in charge dies so that others may live happily ever after. It touches me too deep that I wipe my tears and at the same time, I laugh and say, “Oh, what a wonderful movie! HE IS THE MAN!”

Yes, that is the perfect picture of creation. How many women go to war to keep the peace of the society? How many women are fire fighters? How many women are in the US Navy Seals? Isn’t that self-explanatory?

God created every man to be a fighter to save and rescue others, especially women and children at the cost of his life. When we read the Bible, we see men going to war to save their women and children. And when enemies come, they take their women and children because they know that their women and children are the ones they are dying for. So, in a way, they kill their purpose for life by taking away the very thing they are fighting for.

Do you think Satan wants a man to find his call and purpose he is created for? Are you serious! If a man finds his purpose in life, if he finds his spiritual call, Satan will be doomed. The man will be unstoppable!

Guess where a man mainly finds his spiritual call and purpose in life?


What? Yes, there is a lot at stake in the man’s sexuality than we think. HIS SEXUALITY IS THE ONLY TARGET SATAN PUTS HIS EYES ON!

Until a man finds this foundational and spiritual call of God which is HIDDEN IN HIS SEXUALITY, his life will be a waste before God. Yes, he may drive nice car and holds a well-paying job, surrounding himself with beautiful girls but when everything is said and down, his life will be a waste.

Man’s call is intertwined with his sexuality. If he gains control over his sexuality to the point of honoring God in his sexual life, his call will be accomplished to its full extent. When a man gets control of his sexual desire, he lives for God’s call. He willingly lays his life for the people who are under his care. He desires their well-being more than anything. Precious, that is a disaster for the kingdom of Satan and this world.

So, Satan and this world invite the man to live for himself. They promise him pleasure and happiness at no cost. They promise him that he has to work nothing to earn what they are promising him to give.

The account of the story where Jesus blessed those five loaves of bread and two fish, gives us the total number of men; leaving out women and children. Why? Were they considered useless? Were they seen as second citizens, second to the men?

Oh, no, they were not. But those women and kids were at the care of those men around them. If those men were not there, they wouldn’t be there either. If nobody was there to provide, protect and fight for them, they wouldn’t be found that day.

Satan then hates the man because the man is “A COVERING” for many!

A single man who is living by himself, doing his own things, is also a “rescuer” of women and children.

So, the easy and short way for the devil and this world to destroy many is by making the man out of the game. And the one way to make the man out of the game is to mess his sexuality up.

Once a man is out of the game, he sees women as sex toys, commodities and he may even make statements such as this: “God created women for man’s sexual pleasure”. "Porn is movie. The women in the porn movies are actors to bring pleasure for me."

He also sees kids as “inconveniences” or a source of “financial benefit” as he writes them off for tax return.

He didn’t know that he has been targeted and killed in the game so that he can’t be a kind of a husband to his wife and a father to his children and an honorable citizen to the society he is living in. He didn’t know that his sexuality is sabotaged and kidnapped.

A man is called to protect a woman. He is not required to go around and say to the women in his neighborhood, “Do not fear. I’m here; I will protect you.”

Oh, no, he won’t do that.

One best way he protects the woman in his vicinity is this way: Just like Joseph, if a woman entices him for extra- or premarital sex, he leaves his jacket to her and runs away. Why? He knows that he is there to protect her; not to take advantage of her. He knows that the way he chooses to handle the woman he is called to protect is the one which determines the rest of his life. So, he runs away.

Here is the message for today then: If you are a man, single or married, know that your sexuality is at stake. The war is waged against your sexual desire. As long as you follow the biblical prescription of sexual fulfillment, Satan and this world will lose interest to hunt you down. They won’t have anything to do with you. If you are already scammed by their tricks and gimmicks, please seek help so that you will stop the curse from your life and the life of others who are under your care. Claim your sexuality back from Satan and this world and save a generation. Once you take control of your sexuality to the glory of God, you shall receive back your peace, tranquility and joy. ///