Category Archives: Love

Most Men Are Totally Deprived when – – –

I was outside the whole day and I came home being emotionally, physically and mentally totally drained. I tried to finish something and I was not successful. I had a conversation with someone and it didn’t go well. Somebody got on my last nerve and I tried to get even and I lost the fight, big time. My “Things to Do List” was not even touched by the time the sun went back to her home.

Peace? Are you serious? I didn’t even know how to spell it let alone to have it in my heart! Joy? Forget it! Do I need to say I was mean-spirited and sensitive even to be looked at? Nah! Continue reading Most Men Are Totally Deprived when – – –

Next Contestant, from Seattle, Washington!

My Book and Samson

Is Fraol Bekel the winner of the competition with 390 likes? Hmm, maybe not; because there are other competitors coming up!

For today, I have one contestant from Seattle, Washington. His name is Samson Assefa. He is a husband of one beautiful woman, a father of one beautiful young girl and one little boy. Here is his favorite quote from my book: Continue reading Next Contestant, from Seattle, Washington!

My number one Favorite A4P’s Fans are – – –

My Book and Fraol

– – – teenagers! Why? I live with three teenagers, day in and day out! These “creatures” of God always keep you young with their fresh perspective in life; with their creative way of coming up with a seamlessly silly idea which is a solution for a big problem. I love them very much! If you misunderstand them, of course, they will totally drive you nuts! Their language is obviously different from us, adults, but if you hear them carefully, they are actually communicating something very important, such as what is going on in their hearts. When you want to be close to them, they push you away but at the same time, they need you to be close to them. I know that is paradoxical but that is how these people roll!

Anyways, our next contestant for the competition is a fifteen year old, and I have to add, a handsome and fine young man from Bloomington, Minnesota.

His name is Fraol Bekele. Continue reading My number one Favorite A4P’s Fans are – – –

A Simple Complement Goes a Long Way

I always get up early in the morning and do my devotion and everything. Then I go to shower and dress up and style my hair. It doesn’t really matter whether I have somewhere to go or not; this is my unchanging morning routine. This is actually something I learned from my mom. I am very grateful for it! And guess who appreciates this the most? My husband!

So, in the morning, by the time I finish getting ready, my husband will go out to go to work. I love to go out with him to his car and bless him and his day and I cover his car with the blood of Jesus. Then I just stand outside until his car disappears from my eyes. What do I do? Well, I pray for him; for God to go before him; for God to destroy his enemies before they come closer to him. I can’t tell you how I enjoy those moments. Continue reading A Simple Complement Goes a Long Way

Love and Lust

Love which doesn’t honor God is not called love but lust.

Lust and witchcraft have some kind of similarity when it comes to how they affect and influence human’s mind and thinking. They both blind us to the truth (Galatians 3:1).

So, you may ask, “How would I know if I am in love or in lust?”

Well, look at the following few questions and honestly answer each one of them: Continue reading Love and Lust

“I get very exhausting in the evening”

A4P Guest: My husband sleeps late at night and wakes up late in the morning. I, on the other hand, get up early in the morning and start taking care of our two little kids (one and two year old toddlers). I asked him to get up in the morning to help me with the kids. But he doesn’t seem to get it. Now our number one problem becomes our sexual life. I get very exhausted in the evening and he is very energetic at that time. I don’t have any energy left in the evening and he always complains about that. I told him several times that he has to help me in the morning for him to get sex in the evening. What should I do?

A4P: I smiled when I read your question because these days I don’t know any man who wakes up early in the morning, except my dad. Continue reading “I get very exhausting in the evening”

Sometimes Tough to Go to Church

If I say, “I always want to go to church on Sundays” I will be a big liar because I don’t. Sometimes I wake up from my sleep and say, “Oh, good! It is Sunday! I don’t need to do anything. And if I miss one Sunday, God won’t zap and kill me.”

But I have a husband who doesn’t seem to have “a bad Sunday!” Seriously! I sometimes feel like he came from a different galaxy (not like a different planet but galaxy). Continue reading Sometimes Tough to Go to Church