Category Archives: Love

It Was A Wonderful Celebration!

I couldn’t cancel my appointment this morning I made with my hair dresser a couple days ago; so I went there thinking that I would attend the funeral service using my phone. Well, the thing is there were at least 15 women in that hair salon. So, I said to myself, “It is okay. The service is going to be recorded and archived on the RZIM website as well as Facebook page. So, I may as well watch it later. I can’t watch a funeral service in a hair salon.”

Continue reading It Was A Wonderful Celebration!

If You Live In Houston, TX,

you have a life-time opportunity of taking part in this historical service, a memorial service to Dr. Nabeel Qureshi.
If you don’t live in Houston, TX like me, you can take part in the program via the live stream on the RZIM Facebook page ( or webpage ( that is going to start at 10:00am CDT (11:00am EST).
I am extremely sad today but I know the Holy Spirit will comfort me as He always does and all the people who are saddened by Nabeel’s departure. Yes, Nabeel is at a better place now but his absence from this planet is very much felt among the Christian community, especially among the new generation because Nabeel had a way to speak to their hearts as well as their minds.
May God comfort Nabeel’s family, especially his wedded wife!
Nabeel was a one-woman-man! No woman dares to say that she had known Nabeel but his wife. What a noble young man! What a fine, godly and spiritual young man! What a God-fearing and God-honoring human being! ///

Happy Birthday to the Most Amazing Young man I know!

God is good all the time; and all the time, God is good!
Fifteen years ago today, I gave birth to a big boy, 9lbs. When I was three month pregnant, in the middle of my morning prayer, I thought God spoke to my heart saying, “It is a boy and call him Biruk.” (In Hebrew – Biruk is “Baruch” – means “blessed” – Jeremiah 36:4)

Continue reading Happy Birthday to the Most Amazing Young man I know!