Category Archives: Family

Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.

Yesterday, I spent some time with my good Ethiopian brothers in Christ, discussing about the effect of eating raw meat. After the discussion, they recommended that I mention the topic here on A4P’s Facebook page. So, here we go.

Well, do you know eating raw meat can be a risk factor for erectile dysfunction (ED)? Yes, it is. Continue reading Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.

Do not Deprive Each Other

A4P Guest: “I live abroad, almost 19 hours flight far from my wife and two kids. It’s been now eleven months since I saw them. I decided to to come here where I’m now to do my masters in Psychology. I got full scholarship from a prestigious university and the company I work at is covering all my living expenses. So, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity. My wife first was excited but after she heard that it is going to take me two years to finish the course, she was not happy at all. Continue reading Do not Deprive Each Other

Choose to be Wise than Prudent

I sometimes feel like our family is a little crazy. Seriously! Sometimes the whole house is full of music and dancing at every corner you turn to. And the next day, nobody has time to talk. Everybody takes his/her corner with a book or laptop and the house feels like nobody is living in it. And another time, humor fills the house. Joke might not be a reason for us to laugh but action we see on the movie or one of us “funny way” of falling down the stairs. I know we find that to be very entertaining.

Do we fight? You better believe it! We do fight but I think we fight a GOOD fight! Continue reading Choose to be Wise than Prudent

Weight Gain and Sexual Intimacy

I was not overweight before I got married. After I had my two kids, I gained more than 20 pounds and I am still struggling to lose but nothing seems to work. My major problem though is my embarrassment before my husband. I feel like he doesn’t like me anymore because of the extra pounds I put on especially around my belly. I feel so unattractive. I feel exposed whenever I think of sexual intimacy. My husband repeatedly told me that he doesn’t care. Does weight gain affect sexual intimacy? What do I need to do to feel good about myself and enjoy my intimate moments with my husband as I used to?”

Very interesting question! Continue reading Weight Gain and Sexual Intimacy

Letting them Go!

I enjoy being a mother. I enjoy our kids very much. And to tell you the truth, the Bankos are very funny and “goofy” kids who make your darkest days bright.

My Berhan and I tend to call them “three nations” because we believe, that is how God sees them as. We have two teens (15 and 13) and one 11 years old.

Believe me; both our teens are very excited to be teenagers and soon going to be adults. They talk a lot about it and they count how many years they have left to be eighteen. Well, we don’t usually pay attention to that as long as we have them until they turn eighteen, if you know what I mean.

Our little one, on the other hand, is the one from three of them who didn’t actually enjoy growing up that much. He is very attached to me since day one.

The first time he saw gray hair on my head, his world crashed into smaller pieces. When I went to pray for him at his bedside at night, he said, “Mom, are you going to die?”

Okay, what would be your answer for that? For a second, I thought God was speaking to me to get ready to depart from this life but I said, smiling, “What? What do you mean?”

He said, with his both eyes filled with tears, “You have gray hair and you are getting very old. Do you think you will die of old age before I grow up?”

I laughed and I said, “Are you serious? Most people have gray hair and they live with gray hair for fifty or sixty years. So, don’t worry. Your Mama has at least another sixty or seventy years. So, unless you are not tired of me, I think I am going to stick around for a while.”
He smiled as if God was promising to me to keep his Mama around longer than he asked for. He said, “I don’t want you to die. I want you

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to live forever.” He hugged me tight and bowed down to pray with me.

He is very attached with me. Until he turned nine, the one thing he didn’t like was the fact that he was not allowed to sleep with his Mama every night. It was not a one day or a one year issue for him but everyday issue. Whenever it gets dark, he always asks one question, “So, mom, why is Dad allowed to sleep with you every night but not me? Is he your favorite?”

I know, that is a very tricky question to find a good answer for. And to tell you the truth, there was no right answer which gave him comfort not to ask that same question again.

So, last year, when he was ten, we went somewhere for a summer vacation and we rented two hotel rooms. We used to rent one of those hotel rooms which look like one bedroom apartment but this time, we decided to rent two separate hotel bedrooms and I was not sure how my little one reacted to that decision.

So, we went there and he was okay of checking out both rooms and he was okay for saying good night to both of us the first night. And the next day, after lunch, we stayed on the table as we said bye to them. My little one, stayed behind and said, “Mom, we are done with lunch. Get up and let’s go.”

His sister said, “Dude, they want to be alone. Remember?”

I wonder what she wanted him to remember. But anyways, I said to him, stroking his hair, “You guys can go, swim and have a good time together. Your dad and I wanted to be alone for the rest of the day.”
He looked at me as if to say, “I know you two want to be alone and it is okay with me.”

He kissed me and said, “Good-day” and disappeared from my eyes.
I couldn’t continue with my Berhan. I felt like my son deserted me. I felt like my son didn’t want me anymore. My Berhan knows me very well. So he said, “He grew up, didn’t he?”

I said, “Yeah, I guess.”

I am happy that at last testosterone kicked in and encouraged him to separate from Mama Bear but Mama Bear was not ready to say “Good bye”.

I felt like crying but “Silly me” I said to myself and smiled. Berhan, as if he heard what I said, he said, “Were you planning to raise him and marry him. Let the man go.”

I said, “I wish!” And we laughed.

I carried this little boy in my womb for nine months. I raised him up telling him stories like how David killed Goliath; or how Daniel came out alive from the lion’s den.

He used to have a fight with his dad so that he would sit next to me wherever we go. He used to kiss me on my lips just so that he would give me the same treatment as his dad to win my heart. He used to do something and turned to me and asked, “Did you see that Mom?”
But now, he turned around and said, “Good day Mom” and he ran to his hotel room; leaving his Mama with Papa Bear with whom he used to fight to win his Mama’s attention.

Now he grew up. He is eleven. He doesn’t ask those questions such as, “When is my turn to sleep with you?”

Yes, the order of things must be as God set it up. For me to mother my son, for my son to love and treasure me as a mother but when it is time for him to leave me, he won’t turn around. That is how it should be.

But you know one thing that makes a lot of sense to me these days?
Well, the fact that I have my Berhan and my Berhan has me! We have one another. Yes, our kids are with us for a very short period of time and just as we left our parents behind to lead our own lives, our kids at one point, have to say “So long!” to us to do life without us.
So, I am more treasuring and appreciating my relationship with my Berhan than with my kids. Don’t get me wrong. I love my kids more than words can express but when everything is said and done, my Berhan is the one who is going to remain with me when three of them start their own life journey.

So, my message for today is this: If you are married, make sure you make your spouse a number person you give your first priority to; not your kids. Love your kids but always remember this: Your kids will leave you because they are someone else’s spouse. The one who is going to remain with you after your kids leave you behind is your spouse. So, invest on your spouse today so that those “empty nest” years will be enjoyable ones. That is what I always remind myself these days. ///

Timely message

I’m getting ready to go to a graduation party of a beautiful newlywed girl and I can’t wait to be part of this joyful celebration.

And one thing came to my mind and I didn’t want to go without sharing it with you. Let me make one disclaimer though before I say what I am about to say (write):

“I’m writing this on behalf of many people; I have no personal agenda whatsoever.” Continue reading Timely message

“I’m the Victim of Lust”

“I read your article titled, “Lust on a Driver Seat”. Well, I’m a victim of lust.

I contributed to the problem big time. I’m that wife who cries herself to sleep because my husband of three years doesn’t want anything to do with me. We have a one year old son and I live as if I was a single mom. Looking back, I think, I sexually seduced my husband to marry me. Please don’t judge me. I was very scared of getting old. I know my body figure is the one which put me in trouble. I also used to dress up “immodestly”. I did some wrong choices. Continue reading “I’m the Victim of Lust”

Very Interesting!

“I’ve been following you since the first day. I’m reading everything you are writing and posting on the page. I can’t tell you how much I learned within these few months. I was convicted of my sins multiple times and I also rejoiced many times with the Good News through Christ you tend to share on your writings.

But I’ve never pressed like nor dropped my comment because I did all the dating and marriage business wrong. So if I press like and drop those comments like “Amen”, I feel like I may look a hypocrite. Continue reading Very Interesting!

Question of the Day!

“If you are asked to give only ONE advice for a single man

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who wants to do dating in God’s way, what would be that one advice?”

Excellent question!

Keep your hands and lips away from the girl until you make her your wife! ///