Category Archives: Family

First day of school for our kids!

Well, it is not that exciting day for me! I got up at 4am because I was a little, well, emotional to see my kids going to school today. They stayed with me for the whole summer and today, they have to go.

Yesterday, we wanted to have a small party and we went grocery shopping to brighten up our night. Then at the checkout, the cashier said, “So, are three of them your kids?” Continue reading First day of school for our kids!

“Are you tired?”

Through the hard day of work, one thought carries a husband and brings him home. That thought is this: “Sex is in store for you at the end of the day.”

After a husband finishes his task for a day, the one thought that remains with him is SEX! He is very happy that he is able to provide to his wife and kids but above all, he enjoys that sex is included in the package. Whether his day is good or bad, he loves to comfort his soul by saying things like, “Sex is in the menu.” Continue reading “Are you tired?”

A book you may want to read

I almost forgot to share with you all one of the fantastic books I read over my vacation. I know, how dare I keep away anything that is good for you? Do you know how I remembered? Well, I ordered some books and they came yesterday night and I opened the box and kissed them. I know you may think that I’m lunatic but believe me in this; there are anointed and gifted authors out there who made you forget the whole world out there and soaked you in the Word of God! Continue reading A book you may want to read

Different or the Same?

The Bible doesn’t classify and categorize sexual sins according to “hierarchy” or “scale of severity” but lists them in the same group.

For example, fornication (sex between unmarried people), adultery (sex outside the marital covenant), and homosexuality (sex between the same gender) are listed together (read Leviticus, 1 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians and more).

Continue reading Different or the Same?

Good to be back!

What a joy to be back on Facebook!

Yes, I missed you all and I missed writing more than anything. I took a good vacation though I lost some of my vacation days for migraine headache but still it is worth it!

Well, during our vacation, I saw one old tree and I instantly fell in love with it and wanted to take a picture with it. Continue reading Good to be back!

Closing Past Ex-Relationship Files

It is a process for a wife and a husband to become one. In the NASB version of the Bible, it says this way: “- – – a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”

“- – – they shall become one flesh,” is a process, not a one night honeymoon “fiesta”. The man and the woman have to leave their past (even their own father and mother) for them to cleave and be joined to be one (not to be “like one” but to be “one”). The man and the woman have to leave their past behind and give themselves to the marriage oneness process to take place smoothly. It is not only they leave their family but they have to leave their past relationships as well. Continue reading Closing Past Ex-Relationship Files

Believe in You as my enemy believes in You

I love to ask God to speak to me; but I usually find “listening to God” the hardest thing for me to do for the obvious reason. I won’t be done telling Him what I want to tell Him that quickly and easily. So, after I say, “LORD, please speak to my heart,” within a minute, I begin another brand new prayer that I forgot to pray.

But sometimes when I feel like the bottom is falling out, I run out of words and I just sit before God and wait for Him to speak to me. I always write if I feel like God is speaking to me. I write everything my heart brings to my attention as a message from God; I write because I want to filter out the message through the Word of God. Sometimes my heart itself creates its own dream as a message from God; or my fear itself speaks to me and I deny them all to pass through my heart because the Word of God clearly says, “They are not from Me.” Continue reading Believe in You as my enemy believes in You

“Mom, I don’t want to talk right now.”

As I told you last time, I was in one of the New Jersey Hotels over the weekend.

Well, I had a choice to go to the New Jersey 6th flags which has the tallest roller coaster in the world but why do I want to experience death? No reason! So, I chose to stay in the hotel.

My daughter after the ride, she expressed her experience this way, laughingly, “Mom, I saw heaven.” Continue reading “Mom, I don’t want to talk right now.”

Last Night Post

I see that my last night post created some discussion. All I can say is “Mission Accomplished!”

Remember, A4P is a ministry to create awareness; to bring those “hush-hush” topics to light. By doing that this ministry creates in people questions which demand answers.

So my goal on all my writings is then to get you, the Christian community, be involved in the spiritual and physiological components of your sexual life; by mainly encouraging you to READ!

If I don’t get you do the reading, I sure will get you to question. And my hope is your question will provoke you to move to action; such as to read, to think before you choose the action which might compromise your sexual integrity and to actively take control of your sexual health as the temple of the LORD. Continue reading Last Night Post