Category Archives: CG-STAT

“Jesus didn’t come to rescue us from our humanity”

Whenever I find a good book to read, I forget the whole world, I mean I literally forget the rest of the world, including myself.

And Joshua Harris who is one of my favorite authors successfully makes his readers get lost in the Truth of God. As you flip the pages, you get socked, drowned and lost in awe of God and His Truth! For me personally, reading Pastor Harris’ book is like having a wonderful devotional time with my LORD and God. Breathtaking!

If you didn’t read his books such as “sex is not the problem (lust is)” or “not even a hint” or “Boy meets Girl” or “I kissed Dating Goodbye”, well, you are missing out. You may not know this but Pastor Harris’s books are one of those “must-read” books many marriage counselors recommend to singles! So, if you are single, get these books and you will know what I am talking about. Continue reading “Jesus didn’t come to rescue us from our humanity”

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

A4P Guest: “How about taking HIV/AIDS as a topic by itself out in the open? Our community (Ethiopian and Eritrean) is disproportionately infected by it and lots of studies have shown that fact. Yet we as a community of people especially at the churches are very quiet about sexually transmitted disease (STD) because it’s still considered as a very sinful and taboo thing to talk about. It is by far worse here among the diaspora than back home in Africa. I for one have been closely following this issue for years being HIV positive myself for 18 years, I can say with certainty that we are going backward. I tried to bring the dialogue going around churches but the doors are closed. I believe it’s time to talk about it out in the open because it will ease the stigma and help reduce the spread of all the STDs as it also encourages people to get tested. That’s what needs to be done.”

A4P: First, let me say this – I was blown away when I read your “being HIV positive myself for 18 years” comment posted on A4P Facebook page! Wow! I wonder how that feels like, to come out and say it like that in the open! It should feel good in and out! “No secret to hide” kind of life feels wonderful! Doesn’t it? Continue reading Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

A Good Reason to Go to Church Today!

A4P Guest: I’ve been following your Facebook page and YouTube channel for a while now. I’ve heard most of your messages. You are mostly talking about how dangerous it is for us believers to live in sexual immorality. I got it! I heard you! I understood the truth about that. But okay, we are in it now. I and many of my Christian friends are living in sexual immorality. What is the solution? How did we end up in here? How do Christian people choose this life? How can we get out of this? Why do you always talk about the problem, not the solution?

A4P: Hmm, maybe I lost my mind or something; or am I missing something here? Continue reading A Good Reason to Go to Church Today!

Supplemental Vitamins can’t Replace Real Food!

Can anybody live by a supplement? Well, sure they can but for a very short period of time. They eventually need to eat real food or else they will die. Supplements are there to “supplement” not to replace real food.

In the same way, what we get from our local churches on Sundays is a spiritual supplement (but only if it is biblically sound). If our spiritual enlightenment comes only from the Sunday service, we are endangering our spirituality.

Our real spiritual food should come from our daily personal devotion with God, as we seek Him and His ways and wills; as we read the Bible and meditate on the Word daily; and as we strive to put the Word to practice.

To live by every Word of God, we need to eat it daily (Matthew 4:4); strive to live by it daily (Matthew 7:24. And adding supplement is still necessary, which is, going to church and seeking God with others.

After all, the church is not called to influence us, us the believers; rather we the believers are called to influence the church. If we are not alive and well in Him daily, the church won’t be alive and well either BECAUSE WE ARE THE CHURCH! ///


A thought – – – to a destiny!

Have you ever heard this saying: “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny?”

Well, I usually read or hear it in the context of sin and the consequence of sin, but I think this same trend can be used for good and righteous things. After all, we all are habitual creatures. I mean, we learn something and it will be our habit.

If I sow a thought that comes from the Word of God, I will reap the action from it. Let’s say, if I meditate on the Word of God that says, “Don’t you know that you yourself are God’s temple” (1 Corinthians 3:16), I begin to see myself as I am, the temple of the Holy God. Then as I stay with the thought and the meditation of the Word, I start to lose interest to be nothing but the Temple of the Lord. Sin loses power on me. I reap the action. Then I love staying away from that which is sinful and continue meditating on the Word of God more. Then meditating and reaping righteousness becomes my habit. As I keep on doing it, it will become my habit to the point where I do it everywhere I go; even when I eat and sleep and do anything and everything. Meditating and reaping righteousness becomes my character. Then righteousness becomes the story of my life, my destiny!

I think I love the logic here, don’t you? Let’s try it. It should work. After all the Bible says, I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119:11) ///

GPS of Our Life

GPS (the Global Positioning System) is a system that tells us where a certain address is located on this earth. We enter the address of our destination and the GPS will show us exactly how to get there. It gives us a step by step direction.

GPS has been around for sometimes now but haven’t you seen people who have GPS on their phone or car but don’t even know where they’re driving to? Continue reading GPS of Our Life

Give thanks to the LORD

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good.
His love endures forever.
(Psalm 136:1)

Wow! Yes God is good and His love endures forever!

Here we’re given another new day, another opportunity, to give all praises, glories and honors to Him alone.

So beloved, let’s gather together in the house of the LORD with our friends and families to give thanks to Him alone. ///