All posts by Missy


Question of Identity

A4P Guest: “What do you think of homosexuality?”

A4P: Direct answer for your question is – I don’t think anything about homosexuality. I’m not sure what you’re trying to ask me and I don’t want to assume anything. If you have a specific question, state it clearly; for example: “Can I be a homosexual and be a born again Christian?” Or “I have strong same sex attraction and what do I need to do about it?” or something like that. Continue reading Question of Identity

A Search for Love and Intimacy

If you ask me the two things a human soul is hungry and thirsty of, I will say: love and intimacy.

And those two basic and important needs of every human soul, love and intimacy can only be found from God and others.

When we drift away from God and others, we will be left to ourselves to look for love and intimacy. And that is an illusion the devil always wants us to believe, that we can find love and intimacy without God and others. Continue reading A Search for Love and Intimacy

Last Night Post

I see that my last night post created some discussion. All I can say is “Mission Accomplished!”

Remember, A4P is a ministry to create awareness; to bring those “hush-hush” topics to light. By doing that this ministry creates in people questions which demand answers.

So my goal on all my writings is then to get you, the Christian community, be involved in the spiritual and physiological components of your sexual life; by mainly encouraging you to READ!

If I don’t get you do the reading, I sure will get you to question. And my hope is your question will provoke you to move to action; such as to read, to think before you choose the action which might compromise your sexual integrity and to actively take control of your sexual health as the temple of the LORD. Continue reading Last Night Post

Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.

Yesterday, I spent some time with my good Ethiopian brothers in Christ, discussing about the effect of eating raw meat. After the discussion, they recommended that I mention the topic here on A4P’s Facebook page. So, here we go.

Well, do you know eating raw meat can be a risk factor for erectile dysfunction (ED)? Yes, it is. Continue reading Before I check out for the day, let me share this with you all.


For those of you who are voracious readers out there, here is a wonderful book to read: “Hero.”

And guess who wrote this wonderful book? Fred Stoeker! Yeap! Co-author of “Every Man’s Battle” and author of “Tactics”.

“Wow” is all I can say about “Hero!” I just finished it. I destroyed the book with my highlighters and side notes. It is a fantastic book!

And guess why I loved it? Well, it is written for men! Continue reading “Hero”

A Thought I never knew Existed

I believe that every Christian who wants to lead a praiseworthy life must have a disciplined life; a life that is mainly marked by prayer, reading and meditating the Word of God and fasting.

Well, when it comes to prayer and reading and meditating the Word of God, I think I’m okay. But when it comes to fasting, well, that is a different story. If I was graded on fasting, I will get, without any question, straight F. Continue reading A Thought I never knew Existed