All posts by Missy


Eternity as a Circle or Horizontal Line

Some people say, “If eternity is like Atlantic Ocean, our life on earth is like a drop from that big Ocean.”

Well, how do you see a drop? As a circle, don’t you? And a circle is a closed shape. There is no continuity to it. It starts at one point, goes around 360 degrees and ends where it starts.

But for me personally, I don’t see my eternal and present life like a circle but as a horizontal line and I will tell you why.
Continue reading Eternity as a Circle or Horizontal Line

If you missed it!

For those of you who may miss this video clip, I want to post it again. Oh, how I love to watch this clip, again and again and again! God is good, isn’t He?

Don’t forget to "subscribe" to the Appeal for Purity Youtube account.

And I once again encourage those of you who live in America to order my first two CD teachings titled "What Sex is not" and "What sex is" from A4P official website ( The CDs are done in Amharic and if God’s will, the English version will be released soon.

Blessing to you all!
In Him, Missy.

“I release my wife to the ministry”

Here is the video clip I told you about! The day my better half publicly released me to the ministry of the Kingdom of God!

Oh, how I love this man! I not only love him but I respect and treasure him! May the LORD make him the father of many! I won’t do all I do now if it was not for this man I love to death! Yes, God first blessed me with him and then He called me. How can I say "No" to God? I can’t!

He taught me how to live for others! He showed me how to love others! He taught me to serve others without expecting anything in return! He is my Head Role model I strive to emulate daily! He is always teaching me how to live by faith not by sight! He always reminds me that I’m in this ministry because of God’s call! He is the one always says to me, "My Love, don’t be afraid. God is with you! Tell the Truth of God without fear! and leave the rest to God!"

Oh, may the LORD bless the rest of his day! ///

Not a curse for a Wife to Sexually desire her Husband

If I’m not mistaken, I wrote about this topic few months ago but it came to my attention in a different way and I want to say a word or two about it again.

So, after Adam and Eve sinned against God, God cursed them. Here is the last part of the curse God put on the woman.

To the woman God said, “- – – Your desire will be for your husband – – -.” Genesis 3:16

Hmm . . . what does that sound like? Is she cursed to sexually desire her husband?
Continue reading Not a curse for a Wife to Sexually desire her Husband

Did you order?

Thank you for the response on the two teaching CDs I posted on my website. Thank you so much for all of you who put your order yesterday night! May the LORD bless you!

I want to encourage you guys to order if you didn’t order yet. Please order for your friends and relatives who are young and can understand Amharic. The English version of these CDs is on the making as we speak. It will soon be released. Just stay tuned!

You won’t regret for ordering my first teaching CDs. CD # 3, 4, 5 & 6 will be released soon. Your feedback on CD # 1 & 2 is very needed to make changes and some improvements on the up coming teaching CDs.

So, if you didn’t order yet, you can get your copy by going to: and click "shop" and after that it is like saying A B C and your order will be shipped to you.

If you didn’t visit A4P’s website lately, I advise you to do that, so that you can read what the Banko’s wrote on "Contact Us" page. It is a very heartwarming message. Don’t miss out! ///

Lovely and Timely Question

(As usual, I first would like to say “Thank you” for the person who asked this question and said, “Go ahead, share my question with others. Somebody may benefit from it.” God bless you my dear!)

A4P Guest: I know God has been good to me, but sometimes I feel confused about the things which are happening in my life. I have been praying to get married for years now. All my friends got married except me. I ask God and I seek Him to know his plan for my life but my main prayer is always to get married but He doesn’t seem to hear me. I think I prayed enough now. When is the day for me to stop to pray about this? And my other question is how can I meet Christian men? Thank you!
Continue reading Lovely and Timely Question

Trip to Ethiopia

You know I can’t keep good news from you even if it is not going to happen soon, lol!

So, here we go: I’m going to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

Oh, my gosh! Am I excited? That would be an understatement! I’m thrilled for having this huge opportunity for me to speak at the Misrak Meserete Kirestose Church.

Well, I don’t have address yet and to tell you the truth, it is going to be during the American and Ethiopian Christmas weeks.

It is going to be a very short trip since I only have five days to spend with my parents and eight days to minister.

The long awaited Appeal for Purity’s first magazine, Turn-A-Round will be released during that time! Oh, how excited I’m! May the plan and purpose of God be done!

I can’t wait to see all the MKC youngsters and married couples I ministered just a year ago! May the LORD’s will be done!

I will soon post detail information and of course I will post a beautiful flyer about the program. Just stay tuned! ///