Aha? A Superhero?

I laughed hard when I found this picture on one of my good friends’ Facebook.

I give credit to the person who made it since it serves its purpose – to make others laugh.
But, is a man really a superhero because he stays single even after the age of 30, or 35 or 45?
If a man is called by God to be a celibate and he sticks it out till the end as a single man, he is not a superhero but a Saint, assuming that he kept his body holy.
If he is not called to be a celibate but stays single anyways, he is not a superhero but – – –
I let you finish that statement as I go to my next point.
God calls a woman, the person He created to complement a man, “a suitable helper” – means “a life-saver.”
This woman saves the man from many things, primarily from “I can do it all,” “I’m unbeatable,” and “I know it all” kinds of attitudes.
She is like a big and clear mirror sitting in front of him 24/7. Her presence alone speaks volume to him, such as “It is not healthy to watch that movie; it is not good for your health to eat that; it is sinful to do that; red and purple colors don’t match; that outfit doesn’t look good on you; it is good to maintain relationships with others; it is unnecessary to talk about that matter with this person; it is okay not to be right always; you can’t have your ways all the time; life is not all about you all the time, and more.”
A man, who knows how to live with this “Mirror” with knowledge (1 Peter 3:7KJV), saves his life; and tends to say: “If it wasn’t for my wife, I wouldn’t be here today” or “She helps me be the person God calls me to be.” Or, “I can’t imagine life without her being in it.”
So, imagine for a second a single man in his 35 or 45 or 55. This man has never seen himself in the mirror; this means, he thinks he is a BOOM, all round perfect person! He thinks highly of himself. He also thinks that the woman who decides to marry him even after 35 or 40 or 55 is the luckiest woman ever created on this planet earth.
Let me bring this to a close: Spider-man, Batman and Superman live in the fantasy world of little kids. They don’t exist. Don’t let this picture encourage you to stay single. God, your Creator, still says to you: “It is not good for a man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) It is completely up to you to hear and obey this word; or reject it and swim through the sea of singleness with your own “endless excuses and reasons;” such as “There are no trustworthy women anymore; Now is not a good time for me to marry; I don’t need to marry because I use different sexual outlets to take care of my sexual desires (as if marriage is all about sex); My situation is unique and different; and on and on and on.” ///
P. S. General statements don’t speak about 100% of the world population.