When she was asked by a known newscaster if she had ever entertained the idea of divorcing her husband, she replied, “Divorcing my husband? Nah! Killing him? Yes, I have!”
When many people encouraged her husband to run for president, her husband warmed up to the idea and said yes. Then this amazing woman called her husband, who at a time was running around to make sure that he got all the support he could get, and she said to him, “I don’t think the American people will vote for a divorced man!”
When you look at some YouTube videos these days, it makes you wonder, doesn’t it? One man stands on stage and claims to hear from God and thousands of people sit in the pew and wait for him to tell them what God told him.
He says, “Okay, get ready! I am about to say the word from God!”
A4P Guest: I’m writing this after reading your February 20th post “A Husband Or a Caregiver.” I am married and have a one year old son. My husband and I have very good relationship. I have no problem in my marriage except one thing. My husband doesn’t want people to come over to our house and he doesn’t want to go to anybody’s house, including my parents’ house.
A4P Guest: Hi Missy. After reading many of your conversations you had with lots of people, I felt like I wanted to ask you this question. For some reason, I kind of know what you’re going to tell me but I wanna hear it from you. I’m 25 years old. I was in my church’s worship team and I had a very good life until I met this man. He is 28 years old. We met in church and he asked me out, actually he said to me, “I want to get married soon and I have no plan to get entangled in this dating process.
As many of you know, last Saturday, February 17, 2018, was our annual marriage seminar, a whole day event, held in the Sheraton Silver Spring Hotel. Continue reading Marriage Seminar Game #1→
A4P Guest: I’m 27 years old. I’ve been seeing a man, 30 year old, since last year. I love him very much and we both are convinced that we are meant for each other. He is an introvert and I am an extrovert, if you know what I mean. We both know and accept our differences but my family, especially my mom, doesn’t like his quietness and reserved personality. I tried to explain to her that he is always like that but she keeps saying, “He must be hiding something.”