A New Sunday!

Today is a new “today”. It didn’t come before. It won’t come again. Today is a unique day.

God’s mercy is new today, everyday and certainly today, Sunday. Aren’t you excited about the fact that your LORD adds this unique day in your age? I’m!

So let’s go today to the house of worship to give thanks, praises and glories to our God together with brothers and sisters in Christ! ///

Live Against Our Sinful Desires

Sinful desires are printed on our DNA. That means we can’t run from them. Oops, what do we do then? We can live above them while they are hanging out with us.


“. . . walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16

The Bible tells us “to flee” (1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Timothy 2:22) from them. The only way we can “flee” from our sinful desires is by putting them to death.

How? Continue reading Live Against Our Sinful Desires

Marital Sexual Intimacy After Porn

A4P Guest: My husband and I are writing this to you together. After four years of marriage, our sexual intimacy got cold and we both began complaining about it. Then one day I came across a porn site and told my husband about it. So, we invited porn to our bedroom and after that for few months, we thought we got back our sexual pleasures we lost through the years. But as you already said it on most of your articles, the porn soon destroyed everything we had. We went for counseling because we couldn’t get along anymore. We didn’t tell to the counselor about the porn because we were very scared. The counselor tried Continue reading Marital Sexual Intimacy After Porn

Porn And A Man

A4P Guest: What is the one thing that pulls a man in porn addiction?

A4P: The woman in porn doesn’t demand and ask anything from the man. She is willing to give him anything he asks and more. She takes nothing from him but gives him everything. She doesn’t ask him to love and care for her. All she is asking him is to give her his soul. That is all!

A4P Guest: But why doesn’t the man then be happy with porn and live quietly? Why does he seek help to stop viewing porn? Continue reading Porn And A Man

Remember: God Answers our Prayers!

I believe with all my heart that God has some sense of humor.

Most Bible scholars also share this view too. I don’t think God is a mean looking old man, with a rod on His hand. I believe He is a fun God to be with; and I believe He loves making things fun so that we enjoy life to the fullest.

Some of the stories I read in the Bible are very funny, at least for me.

When it comes to praying to God to look “marvelously spiritual,” I was very good at it. And God usually answers them all. Continue reading Remember: God Answers our Prayers!

“Breaking Free”

For those of you who are voracious readers, here is a book to devour: Breaking Free – Understanding Sexual Addiction & the Healing Power of Jesus!

Sure, it is written for men and I am not a man but I didn’t see on the cover that says, “Women are not allowed to read it!” So, I read it like nobody’s business and I love it!

If you want to get a glimpse of what sexual addiction is, this is the book. If you want to break free from that long standing masturbation and porn addiction, frequent visit to prostitutes or strip club, or anything similar, this is the book to read.  Continue reading “Breaking Free”

The Airplane is from God; the airport is from us!

If it has been long since you laughed at yourself or somebody else, I sure invite you to come to my house and take one of the Banko’s with you for a week. Don’t worry, I won’t charge you.

These people know how to crack up even the most serious person you can ever find.

You see, I spend most of my time dealing with very serious life issues. So, it is sometimes hard for me to smile, let alone laugh.

But God is good all the time. He blessed me with these funny families who know how to crack me up. You have no idea how funny my Berhan is and the kids are picking up from him very well. They usually make my day! Like yesterday! Continue reading The Airplane is from God; the airport is from us!

Purity for the brave hearted!