Groundhog’s Day!

I know Groundhog’s Day was yesterday but hey, who said that we can’t talk about it today on February 3rd?

Well, I did think about it yesterday but I quickly forgot because only one newscaster talked about it on the news.

Groundhog’s Day is a day of celebration where groundhog comes out of its burrow (hole) and looks for its shadow. If it is sunny and groundhog sees its shadow, it retreats back to its hole knowing that winter is going to stay longer at least for another six weeks. If the weather is cloudy and the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, it will come out of its hole and enjoy itself; because it knows that spring is around the corner (remember the light groundhog is looking for is a  light which creates no shadow.) Continue reading Groundhog’s Day!

2015 Premarital Class

Well, you know that I don’t like cold weather and snow. So, I’m not that much excited about winter season.

However I have one reason to be very excited about this season and that reason is our church’s yearly premarital class. This class is given every year from Jan to April for soon to be married couples. This is my seventh year to teach in this wonderful class.

I am thrilled to tell you that this year we have thirteen couples! And let me tell you something, the brides are the most beautiful girls you can ever find. I have no idea where these young men found these cute girls. If you want to learn something from these handsome men as to how to find a cute girl, you can come and ask them, I think. Continue reading 2015 Premarital Class

All-or-None Principle

While I was tossing and turning around to fall asleep yesterday night, all of a sudden I remember something.

I remember that I forgot to mention one piece of information in yesterday’s post. Yes, I wrote about my experience with alcohol but I forgot to mention that-that night was my very first and last experience with alcohol. From that night on, alcohol had never touched my mouth.

But is missing that piece of information going to change anything from the story? Does it change a thing about the fact that I was lost in the river of my sin? Not at all! Whether as an alcoholic or a person with one night experience with alcohol, I was lost and destined to go to hell. Continue reading All-or-None Principle

Totally Blew it . . . but Because of them I was Rescued!

At last, I managed to convince all my older siblings to take me with them to an over-night party. I convinced them that I was old enough to go with them to one of our cousins’ graduation party.

I was sixteen, and I thought I was the oldest and wisest person in the whole wide world. Whenever someone asked me how old I was, I used to say, “Almost seventeen” even while I was sixteen years and one month old.

Taking me to a party was the last thing on my sisters’ list. Are you crazy? Let me ask you: Do you take someone who is going to put you in trouble later? I don’t think so. Continue reading Totally Blew it . . . but Because of them I was Rescued!

Whether there is snow outside or not, it is Sun-Day today! And I love it!

Wow! What a week! May the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised! Let His Name be famous in and through us forever!

May His name be praised forever for the victories He gave us this past week! What a joy to be with Him! What a privilege it is to wage a war in His Name!

And today is the beginning of another brand new week. And, don’t you want to start your week in the church? I do! Church is always in the heart of Jesus. He died for Her and soon to come to take her, to make her His own forever.

We may not find a perfect church; actually we will never find one perfect church that meets all our needs, requirements, criteria and everything else. If there was a perfect church, Jesus wouldn’t need to die on the cross. He died because the church needs a Savior. Continue reading Whether there is snow outside or not, it is Sun-Day today! And I love it!

Questions on the post titled “Sex on Skype”

A4P Guest: . . . . If a couple can’t be together to have sex because of immigration problem, why don’t they use Skype? Instead of burning from sexual desire and be tempted to . . . in this way they can protect each other . . . . When you do not know in what situation this couple is, how can you judge them for using Skype as their sexual outlet? Do you think they prefer to do it on Skype? I think the problem is this: We have hard time to understand others’ problem when we do not experience the problem ourselves . . .

A4P: Use Skype for what? Continue reading Questions on the post titled “Sex on Skype”

Purity for the brave hearted!